package traildb

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

OCaml bindings for TrailDB

Here are OCaml bindings for TrailDB, an efficient tool for storing and querying series of events.


To build from source.


From source:

$ make            # use jbuilder
$ make test
$ make install    # use opam

Or using directly jbuilder:

$ jbuilder build @install
$ jbuilder runtest
$ jbuilder install


A TrailDB file is a read only collection of trails, i.e. keyed series of event records with a timestamp and sharing a common set of fields.

The API is documented in lib/trailDB.mli.


A TrailDB file is created after a series of event records with

  • a trail identifier,

  • a timestamp

  • and a shared set of fields.

  (* Start the creation of a new traildb file to record events
     with two fields (measure kind and value) plus an implicit timestamp *)
  let db = TrailDB.Cons.open_w "/tmp/foo" ["measure";"value"] in

  (* Make some trail identifiers *)
  let uuid_0 = Uuidm.(v5 ns_oid "trail_0") in
  let uuid_1 = Uuidm.(v5 ns_oid "trail_1") in

  (* Insert events with a string value for each field *)
  TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_0  123456L ["temperature";"22"];
  TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_1  123456L ["temperature";"12"];
  TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_1  123457L ["temperature";"13"];
  TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_0  123457L ["temperature";"23"];
  TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_0  123458L ["temperature";"24"];
  TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_1  123458L ["temperature";"14"];
  TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_1  123459L ["temperature";"13"];

  (* Dump on disk the TrailDB file *)
  TrailDB.Cons.finalize db

Once build a TrailDB database is read only file.

  (* Open a read only TrailDB file *)
  let db = TrailDB.open_r "/tmp/foo.tdb" in

  (* Get some meta data *)
  assert (TrailDB.num_trails db = 2L);
  assert (TrailDB.num_events db = 7L);
  assert (TrailDB.num_fields db = 3L); (* timestamp, measure, value *)

  (* Get the identifier of a trail given its UUIDs *)
  let trail_uuid = Uuidm.(v5 ns_oid "trail_1") in
  let (Some trail_id) = TrailDB.get_trail_id db trail_uuid in

  (* Extract the events of a trail using a cursor *)
  let cursor = TrailDB.Cursor.create db in
  TrailDB.Cursor.get_trail cursor trail_id;

  let rec loop () =
    match cursor with
    | None -> ()
    | Some event ->
      let [measure;value] =
        |> (TrailDB.get_item_value db)
      Printf.printf "(%Ld,%s,%s)\n" event.TrailDB.timestamp measure value
      |> loop
  loop ()

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