package acgtk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Abstract Categorial Grammar development toolkit


Dune Dependency







*                                                                        *
*                 ACG development toolkit                                *
*                                                                        *
*                  Copyright 2008-2021 INRIA                             *
*                                                                        *
*  More information on ""                     *
*  License: CeCILL, see the LICENSE file or ""     *
*  Authors: see the AUTHORS file                                         *
*                                                                        *
*                                                                        *
*                                                                        *
*                                                                        *
*  $Rev::                              $:  Revision of last commit       *
*  $Author::                           $:  Author of last commit         *
*  $Date::                             $:  Date of last commit           *
*                                                                        *

This distribution provides two executables:


*** acgc ***

acgc is a "compiler" of ACG source code, i.e. files containing
definitions of signatures and lexicons. It basically checks whether
they are correctly written (syntactically and wrt types and constant
typing) and outputs a .acgo object file. An interactive mode is
available to parse terms according to signatures.


	./acgc --help

to get help

*** acg ***

acg is an interpreter of command meant to be useful when using
ACGs. To get a list of command, run


then on the prompt type


Example files are given in the ./examples directory. Read the
./examples/README file

* Basic usage *

Let's assume you defined a file my_acg.acg in directory my_dir. A
basic usage of the acgc and acg commands could be:

$ acgc -o my_acg.acgo my_acg.acg

This will produce a my_acg.acgo file (note that this is the default
name and location if the -o option is not provided).

Then, running :

$ acg

will open a prompt in which you can type:

# load o my_acg.acgo;

to load the data contained in the my_acg.acg file. Assuming you have
defined the signature Sig and the lexicon Lex, you can then run the
following commands:

# Sig check lambda x.some_cst x: NP ->S;

to check whether "lambda x.cst x" is a term of type "NP ->S" according
to Sig.

You can type:

# Lex realize lambda x.cst x: NP ->S;

to compute the image of "lambda x.cst x" is a term of type "NP ->S" by
Lex (assuming this term and this type are correct according to the
abstract signature of Lex).

You can type:

# Lex parse John+loves+Mary: S;

to check whether the term "John+loves+Mary" has an antecend of type
"S" by Lex, assuming that "John+loves+Mary" is a term of type "Lex
(S)" in the object signature of Lex.

Type CTRL-D to exit from the program, or type:

# exit;

* SVG output *

If the --nsvg option is not set when running acg, a file
"realize.svg" (default name) is generated in the current directory
whenever a 'realize' command is invoked. In order to set another file
name, use the option --svg other_filename.

This files contains a representation as a tree of the operations
described by the term to realize (applications, abstractions). Each
node contains the abstract term and its realizations by each of the
lexicons specified on the command line. The graphic file can for
instance been observed through a web browser.

4 rendering engines are available to render the terms in each node:

+ the default engine: just generates a lambda-term following the
signature/lexicon syntax

+ the "logic" engine: formulas are rendered as logical formulas: non
logical constants are in bold font, logical connectives are rendered
using utf-8 if their names are as follows:

               | "Ex" -> "∃"
               | "ExUni" -> "∃!"
               | "Ex_l" -> "∃ₗ"
	       | "Ex_t" -> "∃ₜ"
               | "All" -> "∀"
	       | "All_t" -> "∀ₜ"
	       | "TOP" -> "⊤"
               | "The" -> "ι"
               | "&" -> "∧"
               | ">" -> "⇒"
	       | "~" -> "¬"

+ the "trees" engine: terms are rendered as trees (e.g., derivation trees)

+ the "unranked trees": terms are rendered as trees, but if a
non-terminal is defined as [a-zA-Z]+[0-9]*, it is rendered only using
the characters

The association between the name of a signature and a rendering engine
is declared in a configuration file that can be loaded through the
'--realize' option and that looks like:

$ cat config.json
    "signatures": [
	{ "name": "TAG", "engine": "trees" },
	{ "name": "DSTAG", "engine": "trees" },
	{ "name": "CoTAG", "engine": "trees" },
	{ "name": "derivations", "engine": "trees" },
	{ "name": "strings", "engine" : "strings"},
	{ "name": "Strings", "engine" : "strings"},
	{ "name": "logic", "engine" : "logic"},
	{ "name": "low_logic", "engine" : "logic"},
	{ "name": "derived_trees", "engine" : "unranked trees"},
	{ "name": "Derived_trees", "engine" : "unranked trees"},
	{ "name": "trees", "engine" : "unranked trees"}
  "colors": {
      "node-background": (239, 239, 239),
      "background": (255,255,255)

An example file is given in ./examples/config.json

** ACG emacs mode **

There is an ACG emacs mode (acg.el) in the emacs directory.

Look at the INSTALL file to see how to install it and where you can
find the acg.el file if automatically installed (in particular using

It's main feature is to be loaded when editing an acg data file (with
signatures and lexicons). It is automatically loaded for files with a
.acg extension

It basically contains compilation directives and next-error

1. First load an acg file

2. then run "M-x compile" (or C-cC-c) to call the compiler (acgc)

3. then run "M-x next-error" (or C-x`) to search for the next error
(if any) and highlights it

* Syntax of signatures *

(see the examples/tag.acg file for an example)

Signatures are defined by:

signature my_sig_name=

Sig_entries always ends with a ; and can be:
+ type declaration as in
	NP,S : type;

+ type definition as in
	o :type;
	string = o -> o;

Note that type constructors are -> and => for the linear and
intuitionnistic arrow respectively.

+ constant declarations as in
	bar,dummy:NP -> S;
	infix + : string -> string -> string;
	prefix - : bool -> bool;
	binder All : (e =>t) -> t;
	infix > : bool -> bool -> bool; (*This means implication*)

Note that infix and prefix are keywords to introduce symbols (of
length 1. This probably will change).
Also notes that comments are surrounded by (* and *)

+ constant definitions as in
	n = lambda n. bar n : NP -> S;
	infix + = lambda x y z.x(y z): string -> string -> string;
	prefix - = lambda p.not p:bool -> bool;
	everyone = lambda P. All x. (human x) > (P x) ;

Note the syntax for binders (All in the last example). Available
construction for terms are:
	lambda x y z.t 
for linear abstraction

	Lambda x y z.t
for non-linear abstraction

	t u v
for application (equal to (t u) v)

	t SYM u

if SYM is a infix symbol (lowest priority). It is equal to

        ((SYM) t) u

where SYM is used as a usual constant, with the priority of application.

	SYM t
if SYM is a prefic symbol (highest priority)

	BINDER x y z.t
if BINDER is a binder

+ About associativity and precedence of operators

Prefix operators have precedence over application, and application has
precedence over infix operators. Relative precedence among infix
operators can be defined.

When no associativity specification is set, the default is left

When no precedece definition is given, the default is higher
precedence over any infix operator defined so far.

When declaring or defining an infix operator with the keyword 'infix',
the optional specification for the associativity and the relative
precedence can be set.

A specification is given between square brackets. The syntax is as

    infix [specification] SYM …

(the remaining part of the declaration is the same as without the specification)

A specification is non-empty comma-separated list of:

+ an (optional) associativity specification, given by one of the
  keywords 'Left', 'Right', or 'NonAssoc'. If not present, left
  associativity is set by default to infix operators

+ an (optional) precedence declaration (if not present, the highest
  precedence over all the infix operators defined so far is given). It
  is defined as '< SYM' (where SYM is a symbol). It assigns to the
  operator being declared or defined the greates precedence *below* the precedence of SYM.

It is possible to use an infix symbol as a normal constant by
surrounding it with left and right parenthesis, so that

	    t SYM u = (SYM) t u

See examples/infix-examples and examples/infix-examples-script for examples.

* Syntax of  lexicons *

There are two ways to define a lexicon:
1. By using the keyword `lexicon` or `nl_lexicon` as in :

lexicon my_lex_name(abstract_sig_name) : object_sig_name =

nl_lexicon my_lex_name(abstract_sig_name) : object_sig_name =

Lex_entries always ends with a ; and have the following form:
	abstract_atomic_type1, abstract_atomic_type2 := object_type;
	abstract_const1, abstract_const2 := object_term;

With the `lexicon` keyword, `lambda` (resp. `->`) is interpreted as
`lambda` (resp. `->`), whereas with `nl_lexicon`, `lambda`
(resp. `->`) is interpreted as `Lambda` (resp. `=>`). I.e., everything
is interpreted non linearly. It is useful when not interested in
linear constraints in the object signature (as, for instance, in the
context-free lambda grammars).

2. By lexicon composition as in:
lexicon my_new_lex = lex_2 << lex_1

3. Keywords

The keywords are `signature`, `lexicon`, `nl_lexicon`, `end`, `type`,
`prefix`, `infix`, `binder`, `lambda`, and `Lambda`.
The reserved symbols are `=`, `<<`, `;`, `:`, `,`, `(`, `)`, `.`,
`->`, `=>`, and `:=`.
Inside a signature or a lexicon, `signature`, `lexicon` and
`nl_lexicon` are not considered as keywords and can be used as
Other keywords can be used as identifier when escaped with `\` (e.g.,