package biocaml

  1. Overview
  2. No Docs


Biocaml aims to be a high-performance user-friendly library for Bioinformatics. See the website for detailed API documentation. We welcome contributors and feedback from users. Please contact us with any comments and suggestions for features you would like added.

Published: 23 Mar 2017

Dependencies (13)

  1. uri
  2. rresult
  3. re < "1.8.0"
  4. ppx_sexp_conv < "v0.14"
  5. ppx_compare < "v0.14"
  6. cfstream
  7. xmlm
  8. camlzip >= "1.05"
  9. sexplib < "v0.14"
  10. core_kernel >= "111.13.00" & <= "113.33.03"
  11. solvuu-build build & >= "0.3.0"
  12. ocamlfind build
  13. ocaml >= "4.03.0" & < "5.0"

Dev Dependencies


Used by (2)

  1. biotk < "0.2.0"
  2. bistro-bio

Conflicts (1)

  1. core < "111.13.00" | > "113.33.03"