package bonsai

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This file exists to encapsulate all the styles used within these form elements. Ideally these form components would be web components and styles would be encapsulated within a shadow dom. This doesn't appear to be supported in jsoo. (at least the bindings don't exist)

The bindings won't land anytime soon - virtual-dom needs to be rewritten to support it.

val full_width : Css_gen.t
val typeahead : Css_gen.t

typeahead is used for applying styles to input typeahead elements which should be styled in a manner consistent with Jane_web_style but aren't.

val pill : Css_gen.t

pill and pill_container are used to style the pills used to display choices made by the user in the multiselect.

val pill_container : Css_gen.t