package caisar-onnx

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
ONNX parser for CAISAR


Dune Dependency






Published: 14 Jul 2022



CAISAR (Characterizing AI Safety And Robustness) is a platform under active development at CEA LIST, aiming to provide a wide range of features to characterize the safety and robustness of artificial intelligence based software.


No binaries are provided at the moment. Installation must be done by either compiling the source code or using a Docker image.

From source code

Please note: CAISAR requires the OCaml package manager opam, v2.1 or higher, which is typically avaible in all major GNU/Linux distributions.

To build and install CAISAR, do the following:

$ git clone
$ cd caisar
$ opam switch create --yes --no-install . 4.13.1
$ opam install . --deps-only --with-test --yes
$ make
$ make install

To run the tests:

$ make test

Docker image

A ready-to-use Docker image of CAISAR is available on Docker Hub. To retrieve such an image, do the following:

$ docker pull laiser/caisar:pub

Alternatively, a Docker image for CAISAR can be created locally by proceeding as follows:

$ git clone
$ cd caisar
$ make docker

To run the CAISAR Docker image, do the following:

$ docker run -it laiser/caisar:pub sh


To start using CAISAR, please run the command:

$ caisar --help

Property verification

CAISAR can be used to verify properties on neural networks and support-vector machines (SVM).

The prototype command is:

$ caisar verify --prover=PROVER FILE

FILE defines the property to verify, and it must be written in the WhyML language. Examples of WhyML files (.mlw) can be found in the tests folder.

External provers detection

CAISAR relies on external provers to work. These must be installed first, then CAISAR must be instructed to point to their location. To do so, the path to the prover executables should appear in the environment variable PATH.

Run the following command to confirm that CAISAR detects the installed provers:

$ caisar config --detect

The following are the provers for which a support is provided in CAISAR:

Under active development is the support for the SMT-LIB which is used by many satisfiability modulo theories solvers (e.g. Alt-Ergo, Z3, Colibri, etc.).

Advanced usage

How to add a solver

Make sure the solver is installed in your system. Typically, the path to its executable should appear in the environment variable PATH. Then,

  1. Create a solver.drv in config/drivers/. A driver is a series of WhyML modules describing the theories the solver is able to understand as provided by Why3. Directives for letting Why3 interpret the solver outputs should also be provided here.

  2. Add a new record in config/caisar-detection-data.conf. The name of the solver executable should be provided , as well as a command-line template that Why3 will use for executing the solver. Such a template may specify several Why3 built-in identifiers:

    • %e stands for the executable

    • %f stands for a file to pass to the executable

Other custom identifiers have been added: %{nnet-onnx} and %{svm}. These identifiers are used for providing the solver with potential {nnet, onnx} and svm model filenames, respectively.

  1. Write a Why3 printer. The solver should be recognized by CAISAR by now. However, a printer for the solver may be needed for transforming Why3 specifications into something the solver can understand. Printers should be placed in src/printers/.

Dependencies (5)

  1. ocaml-protoc-plugin >= "4.2.0"
  2. stdio >= "v0.14.0"
  3. base >= "v0.14.0" & < "v0.17"
  4. ocaml >= "4.13"
  5. dune >= "2.9"

Dev Dependencies (1)

  1. odoc with-doc

Used by (1)

  1. caisar < "0.2"




Innovation. Community. Security.