package camlp-streams

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
The Stream and Genlex libraries for use with Camlp4 and Camlp5


Dune Dependency






This package provides two library modules:

  • Stream: imperative streams, with in-place update and memoization of the latest element produced.
  • Genlex: a small parameterized lexical analyzer producing streams of tokens from streams of characters.

The two modules are designed for use with Camlp4 and Camlp5:

  • The stream patterns and stream expressions of Camlp4/Camlp5 consume and produce data of type 'a Stream.t.
  • The Genlex tokenizer can be used as a simple lexical analyzer for Camlp4/Camlp5-generated parsers.

The Stream module can also be used by hand-written recursive-descent parsers, but is not very convenient for this purpose.

The Stream and Genlex modules have been part of the OCaml standard library for a long time, and have been distributed as part of the core OCaml system. They will be removed from the OCaml standard library at some future point, but will be maintained and distributed separately in this camlpstreams package.

Published: 27 Jun 2022


The Stream and Genlex libraries for use with Camlp4 and Camlp5

The camlp-streams package provides two library modules:

  • Stream: imperative streams, with in-place update and memoization of the latest element produced.

  • Genlex: a small parameterized lexical analyzer producing streams of tokens from streams of characters.

The two modules are designed for use with Camlp4 and Camlp5:

  • The stream patterns and stream expressions of Camlp4/Camlp5 consume and produce data of type 'a Stream.t.

  • The Genlex tokenizer can be used as a simple lexical analyzer for Camlp4/Camlp5-generated parsers.

The Stream module can also be used by hand-written recursive-descent parsers, but is not very convenient for this purpose.

The Stream and Genlex modules have been part of the OCaml standard library for a long time, and have been distributed as part of the core OCaml system. They will be removed from the OCaml standard library at some future point, but will be maintained and distributed separately in this camlp-streams package.

Dependencies (2)

  1. ocaml >= "4.02.3"
  2. dune >= "2.7"

Dev Dependencies (1)

  1. odoc with-doc

Used by (40)

  1. atdgen-runtime >= "2.3.3" & < "2.10.0"
  2. batteries >= "3.6.0"
  3. biniou >= "1.2.2"
  4. camlp4 >= "5.0"
  5. camlp5 >= "8.00.03"
  6. camomile >= "2.0.0"
  7. cca >= "0.6.2"
  8. cfstream >= "1.3.2"
  9. coq-lsp != "" & < "0.1.7+8.17" | = "0.1.8+8.16"
  10. dream >= "1.0.0~alpha4"
  11. frama-clang
  12. gapi-ocaml >= "0.4.5"
  13. kappa-agents >= "4.1.3"
  14. kappa-binaries >= "4.1.3"
  15. kappa-library >= "4.1.3"
  16. lablgl >= "1.07"
  17. lablgtk >= "2.18.13"
  18. lablgtk3 >= "3.1.3"
  19. lablgtk3-goocanvas2 >= "3.1.3"
  20. lablgtk3-sourceview3 >= "3.1.3"
  21. lambdapi >= "2.2.1"
  22. lambdasoup >= "1.0.0"
  23. ldap >= "2.5.1"
  24. ledit >= "2.06"
  25. lutils >= "1.54.1"
  26. lutin >= "2.71.15"
  27. mdx >= "2.3.1"
  28. mpp >= "0.3.6"
  29. not-ocamlfind >= "0.09"
  30. ocaml-lsp-server >= "1.17.0"
  31. ocamlformat-lib
  32. odoc-parser >= "1.0.1"
  33. pgocaml >= "4.4.0"
  34. pgx >= "2.2"
  35. ppx_dream_eml
  36. ppx_parser
  37. pratter >= "1.2.1"
  38. redis-sync >= "0.6"
  39. tar >= "2.0.1" & < "3.0.0"
  40. ulex-camlp5 >= "1.3"




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