package camlpdf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val test_bigarray : bool
type caml_bytes = bytes
type bytes =
  1. | Long of rawbytes
  2. | Short of caml_bytes
val bigarray_unsafe_get : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> int -> 'a
val bigarray_unsafe_set : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Array1.t -> int -> 'a -> unit
val raw_of_bytes : bytes -> rawbytes
val bytes_of_raw : rawbytes -> bytes
val mkbytes : int -> bytes
val bytes_size : bytes -> int
val bset : bytes -> int -> int -> unit
val bset_unsafe : bytes -> int -> int -> unit
val bget : bytes -> int -> int
val bget_unsafe : bytes -> int -> int
type stream = {
  1. mutable pos : int;
  2. data : bytes Pervasives.ref;
val fillbytes : int -> bytes -> unit
val print_bytes : bytes -> unit
val bytes_of_string : string -> bytes
val bytes_of_caml_bytes : bytes -> bytes
val bytes_of_list : int list -> bytes
val bytes_of_charlist : char list -> bytes
val bytes_of_arraylist : int array list -> bytes
val string_of_bytes : bytes -> string
val bytes_of_int_array : int array -> bytes
val int_array_of_bytes : bytes -> int array
val copybytes : bytes -> bytes
val int_array_of_string : string -> int array
val string_of_int_arrays : int array list -> string
val string_of_int_array : int array -> string
val bytes_selfmap : (int -> int) -> bytes -> unit
val charlist_of_bytes : bytes -> char list
type pos = int
val no_more : int
type input = {
  1. pos_in : unit -> pos;
  2. seek_in : pos -> unit;
  3. input_char : unit -> char option;
  4. input_byte : unit -> int;
  5. in_channel_length : pos;
  6. set_offset : pos -> unit;
  7. caml_channel : Pervasives.in_channel option;
  8. source : string;
type output = {
  1. pos_out : unit -> pos;
  2. seek_out : pos -> unit;
  3. output_char : char -> unit;
  4. output_byte : int -> unit;
  5. output_string : string -> unit;
  6. out_caml_channel : Pervasives.out_channel option;
  7. out_channel_length : unit -> pos;
val input_of_channel : ?source:string -> Pervasives.in_channel -> input
val input_of_stream : ?source:string -> stream -> input
val input_of_bytes : ?source:string -> bytes -> input
val input_of_string : ?source:string -> string -> input
val output_of_channel : Pervasives.out_channel -> output
val output_of_bytes : stream -> output
val input_output_of_bytes : int -> output * bytes Pervasives.ref
val extract_bytes_from_input_output : output -> bytes Pervasives.ref -> bytes
val nudge : input -> unit
val read_char_back : input -> char option
val rewind : input -> unit
val peek_char : input -> char option
val peek_byte : input -> int
val bytes_of_input_channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> bytes
val bytes_to_output_channel : Pervasives.out_channel -> bytes -> unit
val b : Buffer.t
val read_line : input -> string
val read_lines : input -> string list
val setinit : input -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit
val setinit_string : input -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit
val bytes_of_input : input -> pos -> int -> bytes
val getinit : output -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit
type bitstream = {
  1. input : input;
  2. mutable currbyte : int;
  3. mutable bit : int;
  4. mutable bitsread : int;
type bitstream_position = int * int * int * int
val bitstream_pos : bitstream -> pos * int * int * int
val bitstream_seek : bitstream -> (pos * int * int * int) -> unit
val bitbytes_of_input : input -> bitstream
val getbit : bitstream -> bool
val getbitint : bitstream -> int
val align : bitstream -> unit
val getval_32 : bitstream -> int -> int32
val getval_31 : bitstream -> int -> int
type bitstream_write = {
  1. mutable wcurrbyte : int;
  2. mutable wbit : int;
  3. mutable bytes : int list;
val make_write_bitstream : unit -> bitstream_write
val copy_write_bitstream : bitstream_write -> bitstream_write
val putbit : bitstream_write -> int -> unit
val putbool : bitstream_write -> bool -> unit
val putval : bitstream_write -> int -> int32 -> unit
val align_write : bitstream_write -> unit
val bytes_of_write_bitstream : bitstream_write -> bytes
val bits_of_write_bitstream : bitstream_write -> bool list
val join_write_bitstreams : bitstream_write list -> bitstream_write
val write_bitstream_append : bitstream_write -> bitstream_write -> bitstream_write
val write_bitstream_append_aligned : bitstream_write -> bitstream_write -> bitstream_write
val debug_next_char : input -> unit
val debug_next_n_chars : int -> input -> unit

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