package capnp-rpc-lwt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Cap'n Proto RPC using the Cap'n Proto serialisation and Lwt for concurrency.

include module type of Capnp.BytesMessage

BytesMessage is the standard message format based on OCaml bytes buffers.

BytesMessage is the standard message format based on OCaml bytes buffers.

type 'a or_error = ('a, Capnp_rpc.Error.t) Stdlib.result
module StructRef : sig ... end

A promise for a response structure. You can use the generated _get_pipelined functions on a promise to get a promise for a capability inside the promise, and then pipeline messages to that promise without waiting for the response struct to arrive.

module Capability : sig ... end

A capability is a reference to an object, or to a promise for an object. You can invoke methods on a capability even while it is still only a promise.

module Service : sig ... end

Functions for service implementors.

module CapTP : sig ... end

Stretching capability references across a network link. Note: see Capnp_rpc_unix for a higher-level wrapper for this API.

module Endpoint : sig ... end

Send and receive capnp messages over a byte-stream.

module Vat : sig ... end

An actor in the CapTP network. A vat is a collection of objects that can call each other directly. A vat may be connected to other vats over CapTP network connections. Typically an application will create only a single vat. See the Capnp_rpc_unix module for a higher-level API.


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