package doc-ock-html

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = {
  1. page : string list;
    (* becomes ["lol"; "Bar"; "Foo"].

  2. anchor : string;

    Anchor in page where the element is attached

  3. kind : string;

    What kind of element the path points to. e.g. "module", "module-type", "exception", ...


A low level representation of ocaml paths.

val to_string : t -> string
module Error : sig ... end
val from_identifier : get_package:('pkg -> string) -> stop_before:bool -> ('pkg, _) DocOck.Paths.Identifier.t -> (t, Error.t) Pervasives.result
val anchor_of_id_exn : get_package:('pkg -> string) -> ('pkg, _) DocOck.Paths.Identifier.t -> string
val kind_of_id_exn : get_package:('pkg -> string) -> ('pkg, _) DocOck.Paths.Identifier.t -> string
val render_path : (_, _) DocOck.Paths.Path.t -> string
module Anchor : sig ... end

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