package git

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Hash : sig ... end
module Inflate : sig ... end
module Deflate : sig ... end
module FS : sig ... end
module HDec : Unpack.H with module Hash := Hash
module PDec : Unpack.P with module Hash := Hash and module Inflate := Inflate and module Hunk := HDec
module RPDec : Unpack.D with module Hash := Hash and module Inflate := Inflate and module Hunk := HDec and module Pack := PDec and module Mapper := FS.Mapper
module PEnc : Pack.P with module Hash := Hash and module Deflate := Deflate
module IDec : Index_pack.LAZY with module Hash := Hash
module IEnc : Index_pack.ENCODER with module Hash := Hash
module PInfo : Pack_info.S with module Hash := Hash and module Inflate := Inflate and module HDec := HDec and module PDec := PDec
type t
type ('mmu, 'location) r = {
  1. mmu : 'mmu;
  2. with_cstruct : 'mmu -> pack -> int -> (('location * Cstruct.t) -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t;
  3. free : 'mmu -> 'location -> unit Lwt.t;
and pack =
  1. | Pack of Hash.t
  2. | Unrecorded
type error = [
  1. | `Pack_decoder of RPDec.error
  2. | `Pack_encoder of PEnc.error
  3. | `Pack_info of PInfo.error
  4. | `Idx_decoder of IDec.error
  5. | `Idx_encoder of IEnc.error
  6. | FS.error Error.FS.t
  7. | Inflate.error Error.Inf.t
  8. | Error.Decoder.t
  9. | `Invalid_hash of Hash.t
  10. | `Delta of PEnc.Delta.error
  11. | `Not_found
val pp_error : error Fmt.t
val v : FS.t -> Fpath.t list -> t Lwt.t
val lookup : t -> Hash.t -> (Hash.t * (Checkseum.Crc32.t * int64)) option
val list : t -> Hash.t list
val mem : t -> Hash.t -> bool
val add : root:Fpath.t -> temp_dir:Fpath.t -> read_loose:(Hash.t -> (RPDec.kind * Cstruct.t) option Lwt.t) -> ztmp:Cstruct.t -> window:Inflate.window -> FS.t -> ('mmu, 'location) r -> t -> Fpath.t -> [ `Normalized of PInfo.path ] PInfo.t -> (Hash.t * int, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val read : root:Fpath.t -> temp_dir:Fpath.t -> read_loose:(Hash.t -> (RPDec.kind * Cstruct.t) option Lwt.t) -> to_result: ((RPDec.kind * Cstruct.t * int * RPDec.Ascendant.s) -> ('value, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t) -> ztmp:Cstruct.t -> window:Inflate.window -> FS.t -> ('mmu, 'location) r -> t -> Hash.t -> ('value, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val size : root:Fpath.t -> read_loose:(Hash.t -> (RPDec.kind * Cstruct.t) option Lwt.t) -> ztmp:Cstruct.t -> window:Inflate.window -> FS.t -> t -> Hash.t -> (int, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

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