package github-hooks

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
GitHub API web hook listener library


Dune Dependency





github-hooks -- GitHub API web hook listener library

Library to create GitHub webhook server.

Web hook tests

This repository contains a GitHub web hook test harness that confirms that ocaml-github can parse both polled and web-hook-received events and that the expected events are delivered in the correct order. To run the test_hook_server program, you must have a publicly accessible IP address with a DNS A record and a TLS certificate. You can use Let's Encrypt to get a TLS certificate for your domain for free. test_hook_server should be run from an account on the public-facing machine which also has agent access to an SSH key which is registered with GitHub. I recommend using a remote VM for the domain and forwarding a local ssh agent with something like ssh -A

Once this is configured, place your TLS certificate in the file webhook.crt and the key for that certificate in webhook.key. Generate a personal GitHub token named test with git jar make --scopes=admin:repo_hook,delete_repo,repo [GitHub token username] test (with the git-jar subcommand from mirage/ocaml-github) which has admin:repo_hook, delete_repo, and repo authority scopes. This token has quite a lot of authority so it is important to keep safe or use a test account rather than your primary GitHub account.

Finally, run make test and then _build/test/test_hook_server.native [GitHub token username] test-github-hooks [GitHub SSH username] to run the tests on your server at on port 4433 as the user [GitHub token username] but git-pushing as the user [GitHub SSH username]. The test program will create and delete the repository test-github-hooks in the process of running. If the tests fail, you may have to remove the cloned repository called test-github-hooks and the GitHub repository [GitHub token username]/test-github-hooks.


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