package glical

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Kernel : sig ... end
type location = int * int
and name = string
and key = string
module Ical : sig ... end
exception Syntax_error of string
val syntax_error : string -> int -> int -> 'a
val syntax_assert : bool -> string -> int -> int -> unit
module Lexing : sig ... end
val parse_ical : Lexing.line list -> [> `Raw of string ] Ical.t
val map_values : (string -> [> `Raw of string ] as 'a Ical.value -> string * 'a Ical.value) -> 'a Ical.t -> 'a Ical.t
val map : ([> `Raw of string ] as 'a Ical.element -> [> `Raw of string ] as 'b Ical.element) -> 'a Ical.t -> 'b Ical.t
val iter : ([> `Raw of string ] as 'a Ical.element -> unit) -> 'a Ical.t -> unit
val sort : ([> `Raw of string ] as 'a Ical.element -> 'a Ical.element -> int) -> 'a Ical.t -> 'a Ical.t
val filter : ([> `Raw of string ] as 'a Ical.element -> bool) -> 'a Ical.t -> 'a Ical.t
val fold_on_assocs : ('accu -> key -> [> `Raw of string ] as 'a Ical.value -> 'accu) -> 'accu -> 'a Ical.t -> 'accu
val is_empty_block : [> `Raw of string ] Ical.element -> bool
val is_nonempty_block : [> `Raw of string ] Ical.element -> bool
val text_of_raw : location -> string -> string list
module Datetime : sig ... end
module Date : sig ... end
val limit_to_75_bytes : string list -> string
val ical_format : string list -> string
val to_string : ?f: ([> `Raw of string | `Text of string list ] as 'a Ical.value -> string option) -> 'a Ical.t -> string
module SSet : sig ... end
val channel_contents : in_channel -> string
val simple_cat : in_channel -> out_channel -> unit
val extract_assocs : ?kl:key list -> ?ks:SSet.t -> ?k:string -> [> `Raw of string ] as 'a Ical.t -> 'a Ical.t
val extract_values : ?kl:key list -> ?ks:SSet.t -> ?k:string -> [> `Raw of string ] as 'a Ical.t -> 'a Ical.value list
val list_keys_rev : [> `Raw of string ] Ical.t -> string list
val list_keys : [> `Raw of string ] Ical.t -> string list
val list_keys_ordered : ?compare:(string -> string -> int) -> [> `Raw of string ] Ical.t -> string list
val combine : [> `Raw of string ] as 'a Ical.t -> 'a Ical.t -> 'a Ical.t
val combine_many : [> `Raw of string ] as 'a Ical.t list -> 'a Ical.t

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