package goblint

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
exception Endl
exception Eof
type lval =
  1. | Ptr of lval
  2. | Var of string
  3. | Ident of string
type fcall = {
  1. fname : string;
  2. args : exp list;
and exp =
  1. | Fun of fcall
  2. | Exp_
  3. | Lval of lval
  4. | Regex of string
  5. | String of string
  6. | Bool of bool
  7. | Int of int
  8. | Float of float
  9. | Binop of string * exp * exp
  10. | Unop of string * exp
type stmt = {
  1. lval : lval option;
  2. exp : exp;
type def =
  1. | Node of string * string
  2. | Edge of string * string list * bool * string * stmt
val fname_is : string -> stmt -> bool
val is_wildcard : stmt -> bool
val branch_exp : stmt -> (exp * bool) option
val is_branch : stmt -> bool
val startnode : ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e) list -> 'a
val warning : 'a -> ('a * 'b) list -> 'b option
val get_lval : stmt -> [> `Ident | `Ptr | `Var ] option
val get_exp : exp -> [> `Bool of bool | `Error of string | `Float of float | `Free | `Ident of string | `Int of int | `Regex of string | `String of string | `Var of string ]
val get_rval : stmt -> [> `Bool of bool | `Error of string | `Float of float | `Free | `Ident of string | `Int of int | `Regex of string | `String of string | `Var of string ]
val get_key_variant : stmt -> [> `Arg of string * int | `Lval of string | `None | `Rval of string ]
val equal_form : 'a option -> stmt -> bool
val get_fun_args : stmt -> [> `Bool of bool | `Error of string | `Float of float | `Free | `Ident of string | `Int of int | `Regex of string | `String of string | `Var of string ] list
val lval_to_string : lval -> string
val exp_to_string : exp -> string
val stmt_to_string : stmt -> string
val arrow_to_string : string list -> bool -> string
val def_to_string : def -> string
val to_dot_graph : def list -> string

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