package hardcaml_fixed_point

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type bits = bits
type t

These are purely directional rounding, to be read as round to the nearest whole fraction specified. For example if we were in base 10 and rounding to 1 decimal place:

neg_infinity: 1.91 -> 1.9; -1.15 -> -1.2; 1.55 -> 1.5 pos_infinity: 1.91 -> 2.0; -1.15 -> -1.1; 1.55 -> 1.6 to_zero: 1.91 -> 1.9; -1.15 -> -1.1; 1.55 -> 1.5 away_from_zero: 1.91 -> 2.0; -1.15 -> -1.2; 1.55 -> 1.6

val neg_infinity : t
val pos_infinity : t
val to_zero : t
val away_from_zero : t

The tie_ functions always round to the nearest whole fraction specified, except in the X.5 case which is determined by the function used. tie_away_from_zero would match round_nearest in software implementations.

tie_to_neg_infinity: 1.91 -> 1.9; -1.15 -> -1.2; 1.55 -> 1.5 tie_to_pos_infinity: 1.91 -> 1.9; -1.15 -> -1.1; 1.55 -> 1.6 tie_to_zero: 1.91 -> 1.9; -1.15 -> -1.1; 1.55 -> 1.5 tie_away_from_zero: 1.91 -> 1.9; -1.15 -> -1.2; 1.55 -> 1.6 tie_to_nearest_even: 1.91 -> 1.9; -1.15 -> -1.2; 1.55 -> 1.6 tie_to_nearest_odd: 1.91 -> 1.9; -1.15 -> -1.1; 1.55 -> 1.5

val tie_to_neg_infinity : t
val tie_to_pos_infinity : t
val tie_to_zero : t
val tie_away_from_zero : t
val tie_to_nearest_even : t
val tie_to_nearest_odd : t
val generic : bits -> t
val eval : t -> int -> bits -> bits

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