package hl_yaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module Lwt : sig ... end
module Lwt_io : sig ... end


type options = {
  1. get_env_var : string -> string option;
  2. get_file : string -> string Lwt.t;
  3. config_path_filter_map : string -> string Lwt.t;
  4. file_path_filter_map : string -> string Lwt.t;
  5. allow_unused_anchors : bool;
  6. allow_redefining_anchors : bool;
  7. enable_includes : bool;
  8. enable_conditional_includes : bool;
  9. enable_imports : bool;
  10. process_scalar_tag : tag:string -> string -> [ `Scalar of string | `YAML of Yaml.yaml ] Lwt.t option;
val default_options : options
val make_options : ?get_env_var:(string -> string option) -> ?get_file:(string -> string Lwt.t) -> ?config_path_filter_map:(string -> string Lwt.t) -> ?file_path_filter_map:(string -> string Lwt.t) -> ?enable_includes:bool -> ?enable_conditional_includes:bool -> ?enable_imports:bool -> ?allow_unused_anchors:bool -> ?allow_redefining_anchors:bool -> ?process_scalar_tag: (tag:string -> string -> [ `Scalar of string | `YAML of Yaml.yaml ] Lwt.t option) -> unit -> options
val ok_or_raise : ('a, Spec.error list) Stdlib.result -> 'a
module JSON : sig ... end
module YAML : sig ... end
module Spec : sig ... end
exception HL_YAML_error of string
val parse : ?options:options -> ?validate:Spec.t -> of_yojson:(Yojson.Safe.t -> ('a, string) Stdlib.result) -> string -> ('a, Spec.error list) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

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