package jemalloc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. malloc interface
Module type
Class type

Bindings to jemalloc. Monitor memory usage and control behaviour of jemalloc.

malloc interface

val release_free_memory : unit -> unit

Release as much memory as possible to operating system

exception Invalid_property of string
val version : unit -> string * int * int * string
  • returns

    version information: (human-readable string, major, minor, git version)

val mallctl_bool : string -> bool option -> bool
val mallctl_int : string -> int option -> int
val mallctl_string : string -> string option -> string
val mallctl_unit : string -> unit
type memory_stats = {
  1. active : int;
  2. resident : int;
  3. allocated : int;
  4. mapped : int;
val epoch : unit -> unit

epoch counter for the stats. Statistics are frozen to a snapshot value until the next epoch call refresh the snapshot

val get_stat : string -> int
  • returns

    stat counter from the "stats." mallctl prefix during current epoch

val get_memory_stats : unit -> memory_stats

refresh epoch and gather memory statistics

  • returns



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