package luv

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


See Processes in the user guide and uv_process_t — Process handle in libuv.

type t = [ `Process ] Handle.t

Binds uv_process_t.

Note that values of this type can be passed to functions in Luv.Handle, in addition to the functions in this module. In particular, see Luv.Handle.close.

type redirection

File descriptor redirections for use with Luv.Process.spawn.

val to_parent_pipe : ?readable_in_child:bool -> ?writable_in_child:bool -> ?overlapped:bool -> fd:int -> parent_pipe:Pipe.t -> unit -> redirection

Causes ~fd in the child to be connected to ~to_parent_pipe in the parent.


?readable_in_child sets UV_READABLE_PIPE, and ?writable_in_child sets UV_WRITABLE_PIPE.

?overlapped sets UV_OVERLAPPED_PIPE.

val inherit_fd : fd:int -> from_parent_fd:int -> unit -> redirection

Causes ~fd in the child to be connected to the same device or peer as ~from_parent_fd in the parent.


val inherit_stream : fd:int -> from_parent_stream:_ Stream.t -> unit -> redirection

Same as Luv.Process.inherit_fd, but takes a Luv.Stream.t for the parent file descriptor.


val stdin : int
val stdout : int
val stderr : int
val spawn : ?loop:Loop.t -> ?on_exit:(t -> exit_status:int64 -> term_signal:int -> unit) -> ?environment:(string * string) list -> ?working_directory:string -> ?redirect:redirection list -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?windows_verbatim_arguments:bool -> ?detached:bool -> ?windows_hide:bool -> ?windows_hide_console:bool -> ?windows_hide_gui:bool -> string -> string list -> (t, Error.t) Result.result

Starts a process.

Binds uv_spawn.

Most of the optional arguments correspond to the fields of uv_process_options_t, which are documented here. The remaining arguments correspond to flags from uv_process_flags.

On Unix, the ~term_signal argument to ?on_exit will be non-zero if the process was terminated by a signal. In this case, the ~exit_status is invalid.

On Windows, ~term_signal and ~exit_status are independent of each other. ~term_signal is set by Luv.Process.kill, i.e. it is emulated by libuv. The operating system separately reports ~exit_status, so it is always valid. If there is an error retrieving ~exit_status from the OS, it is set to a negative value.

Redirections for STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR that are not specified are set by Luv to UV_IGNORE. This causes libuv to open new file descriptors for the child process, and redirect them to /dev/null or nul.

val disable_stdio_inheritance : unit -> unit

Disables (tries) file descriptor inheritance for inherited descriptors.

Binds uv_disable_stdio_inheritance.

val kill : t -> int -> (unit, Error.t) Result.result

Sends the given signal to the process.

Binds uv_process_kill. See kill(3p).

See Luv.Signal for signal numbers.

val kill_pid : pid:int -> int -> (unit, Error.t) Result.result

Sends the given signal to the process with the given pid.

Binds uv_kill.

See Luv.Signal for signal numbers.

val pid : t -> int

Evaluates to the pid of the process.

Binds uv_process_get_pid.


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