package metapp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Meta-preprocessor for OCaml


Dune Dependency





metapp: meta-preprocessor for OCaml

metapp is a PPX rewriter that provides a [%meta ...] extension, where the dots ... are arbitrary OCaml expressions that are substituted at compile-time by the AST nodes they evaluate into. These expressions build AST nodes either by quoting some code directly, or by using compiler-libs (Parsetree, Ast_helper, ...).

In particular, this preprocessor is easy to use for conditional compilation, and is an alternative to cppo and ppx_optcomp.

let option_get o =
  [%meta if Sys.ocaml_version >= "4.08.0" then
     [%e Option.get o]
     [%e match o with
     | None -> invalid_arg "option_get"
     | Some x -> x]]

metapp can be used with dune by using the preprocess field.

  (preprocess (pps metapp.ppx))

Inside [%meta ...] code, the [%e ...] extension quotes expressions (of type [Parsetree.expression]). There are other quotations available: the full list is given below.

Quotation Type
[%e ...] or [%expr ...] Parsetree.expression
[%p? ...] or [%pat? ...] Parsetree.pattern
[%t: ...] or [%type: ...] Parsetree.core_type
[%sig: ...] Parsetree.signature
[%sigi: ...] Parsetree.signature_item
[%str ...] Parsetree.structure
[%stri ...] Parsetree.structure_item

Quoted expressions can in turn contain further [%meta ...] code. Moreover, [%meta ...] code can itself contain other levels of [%meta ...] code, for multi-stage programming.

In addition to this syntax extension, the Metapp module provided by the metapp package provides convenient functions for AST constructions. In particular, this module provides an OCaml-version-independent interface. Moveover, this module provides a common signature ValueS for constructing and transforming expressions (module Exp), patterns (module Pat) or both at the same time (module Value).

The Metapp module also provides a filter mapper, which handles [@if <bool>] attributes à la ppx_optcomp. The [@if <bool>] attribute can appear mostly everywhere syntax elements are enumerated, including tuples, function applications, arrays, etc.

[%%meta Metapp.include_structure (
  Metapp.filter.structure Metapp.filter [%str
    type t =
    | A of int
    | B of int * int
        [@if [%meta Metapp.Exp.of_bool (Sys.ocaml_version >= "4.04.0")]]

    match (v: t) with
    | A x -> something x
    | B (y,z)
      [@if [%meta Metapp.Exp.of_bool (Sys.ocaml_version >= "4.04.0")]] ->
        something' y z
    ... ])]

Global definitions for meta-code can be included with [%%metadef ...]. By default, the meta-code is compiled with the compiler-libs package. Other packages can be loaded with [%%metapackage ...]. More generally, flags can be passed to the compiler to compile meta-code with [%%metaflag ...] (there is another convenient notation for adding interface directories: [%%metadir ...]). [%%metaload ...] loads a particular compilation unit. For instance, [%%metapackage metapp] links the meta-code with the metapp package in order to use the Metapp module. All these notations can be applied to multiple arguments at once by using comma as separator.


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