package mirage-vnetif

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Virtual network interface and software switch for Mirage.


Dune Dependency






Virtual network interface and software switch for Mirage.

Provides the module Vnetif which can be used as a replacement for the regular Netif implementation in Xen and Unix. Stacks built using Vnetif are connected to a software switch that allows the stacks to communicate as if they were connected to the same LAN.

An example of a unikernel that communicates with itself over Vnetif can be seen here. An iperf-like performance test is available here. The examples can be compiled for Unix and Xen and do not need access to a real network interface.


opam install mirage-vnetif

Getting started

First, construct a TCP/IP stack based on vnetif:

  module S = struct
    module B = Basic_backend.Make
    module V = Vnetif.Make(B)
    module E = Ethif.Make(V)
    module I = Ipv4.Make(E)(Clock)(OS.Time)
    module U = Udp.Make(I)
    module T = Tcp.Flow.Make(I)(OS.Time)(Clock)(Random)
    module S = Tcpip_stack_direct.Make(C)(OS.Time)(Random)(V)(E)(I)(U)(T)
    include S

Since we don't have the mirage-tool to help us we have to construct the stack manually. This code would usually be generated in by mirage configure --xen/unix.

let or_error name fn t =
    fn t
    >>= function
        | `Error e -> fail (Failure ("Error starting " ^ name))
        | `Ok t -> return t 

let create_stack c backend ip netmask gw =
    or_error "backend" S.V.connect backend >>= fun netif ->
    or_error "ethif" S.E.connect netif >>= fun ethif ->
    or_error "ipv4" S.I.connect ethif >>= fun ipv4 ->
    or_error "udpv4" S.U.connect ipv4 >>= fun udpv4 ->
    or_error "tcpv4" S.T.connect ipv4 >>= fun tcpv4 ->
    let config = { = "stack";
        Mirage_types_lwt.console = c; 
        Mirage_types_lwt.interface = netif;
        Mirage_types_lwt.mode = `IPv4 (ip, netmask, gw);
    } in
    or_error "stack" (S.connect config ethif ipv4 udpv4) tcpv4

We can now create multiple stacks that talk over the same backend. Basic_backend.create accepts two optional parameters:

  • use_async_readers makes the write calls non-blocking. This is necessary to use Vnetif with the Mirage TCP/IP stack.

  • yield specifies the yield function to use in non-blocking mode. In a unikernel this is typically OS.Time.sleep 0.0, but in a Unix process Lwt_main.yield () can be used instead.

let () =

    (* create async backend with OS.Time.sleep 0.0 as yield *)
    let backend = Basic_backend.create ~use_async_readers:true 
        ~yield:(fun() -> OS.Time.sleep 0.0 ) () in

    let netmask = Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn ""  in
    let gw = Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn "" in

    let server_ip = Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn "" in
    create_stack c backend server_ip netmask [gw] >>= fun server_stack ->

    let client_ip = Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn "" in
    create_stack c backend server_ip netmask [gw] >>= fun client_stack ->

The stacks can now be used as regular Mirage TCP/IP stacks, e.g.:

S.listen_tcpv4 server_stack ~port:80 (fun f -> ...);
S.listen s1

Build examples

mirage configure --xen/--unix

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