package obuilder

  1. Overview
  2. No Docs


OBuilder takes a build script (similar to a Dockerfile) and performs the steps in it in a sandboxed environment.

Published: 08 Feb 2024

Dependencies (18)

  1. ocaml >= "4.14.1"
  2. extunix >= "0.4.0"
  3. fpath
  4. obuilder-spec = version
  5. crunch >= "3.3.1" & build
  6. sqlite3
  7. sha >= "1.15.4"
  8. ppx_sexp_conv
  9. ppx_deriving
  10. sexplib
  11. yojson >= "1.6.0"
  12. tar-unix >= "2.4.0"
  13. cmdliner >= "1.2.0"
  14. logs
  15. fmt >= "0.8.9"
  16. astring
  17. lwt >= "5.6.1"
  18. dune >= "3.7"

Dev Dependencies (4)

  1. conf-bash with-test
  2. conf-which with-test
  3. odoc with-doc
  4. alcotest-lwt >= "1.7.0" & with-test

Used by (2)

  1. ocluster >= "0.2.1"
  2. ocluster-worker >= "0.3.0"

