package odig

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Mining OCaml package installs.

Consult the toplevel helpers and the Odig API.

Warning. Odig is a work in progress. Do not expect these APIs to be stable.

v0.0.2 — homepage

Toplevel helpers

WARNING. Proof of concepts do not start using this in your scripts. For now only available in the bytecode toplevel.

To use the toplevel helpers simply bring the Odig module in your scope: type or add the following line to your ~/.ocamlinit file.

#use ""

Load semantics and effects

Take into account the following points:

  • Loading an object means: add its containing directory to the included directories, load the object and (if not prevented) its dependencies.
  • If an object is available both as a standalone file and in a library archive, Odig favours loading the library archive.
  • When a library archive lib is loaded, if there is a file called at the same location that file is loaded aswell, This can be prevented by using the ~init argument of load functions.
  • Library archive with the following filenames are currently prevented from loading: ocamltoplevel.cma, ocamlbytecomp.cma, stdlib.cma
  • In load_libs and load_pkg, library archives ending with _top.cma are excluded from the libraries to load.
  • Dependency searches are currently unrestricted. This semantics will change in the future, notably to ensure reproducible results regardless of the package install state.

Local search

Some functions take a ~dir argument that specifies a directory where objects can be looked up in addition to packages. This directory defaults to _build or the value of the environment value ODIG_TOP_LOCAL_DIR. These load functions always first look up for objects locally and then in packages.


val help : unit -> unit

help () shows help about odig's toplevel support.

val status : unit -> unit

status outputs information about Odig's toplevel loads.

val reset : unit -> unit

reset removes odig included directories and pretend all odig loaded objects were not.

val load : ?force:bool -> ?deps:bool -> ?init:bool -> ?dir:Fpath.t -> string -> unit

load ~force ~deps ~init ~dir "Mod" loads and setups include directories for the module Mod found in dir or in any package.

  • If init is true (default) toplevel library initialisation files are loaded.
  • If deps is true (default) objects that are needed by the module are also loaded.
  • If force is true (defaults to false) reloads any loaded object that needs to be loaded.

Warning. Do not use this function in scripts, its outcome depends on the package install state.

val load_libs : ?force:bool -> ?deps:bool -> ?init:bool -> ?dir:Fpath.t -> unit -> unit

load_libs ~force ~deps ~init ~dir () loads and setups include directories for libraries found in dir.

  • If init is true (default) toplevel library initialisation files are loaded.
  • If deps is true (default) objects that are needed by the libraries are also loaded.
  • If force is true (defaults to false) reloads any loaded object that needs to be loaded.
val load_pkg : ?silent:bool -> ?force:bool -> ?deps:bool -> ?init:bool -> string -> unit

load_pkg ~silent ~force ~deps ~init name loads all the libraries of the package named name.

  • If init is true (default) toplevel library initialisation files are loaded.
  • If deps is true (default) objects in other packages that are needed by the package libraries are also loaded.
  • If force is true (defaults to false) reloads any loaded object that needs to be loaded.
  • If silent is true loaded objects are not logged

Odig API

module Cobj : sig ... end

OCaml compilation objects.

module Conf : sig ... end

Odig configuration.

module Pkg : sig ... end


Package documentation generation

module Odoc : sig ... end

odoc API documentation generation.

module Ocamldoc : sig ... end

ocamldoc API documentation generation.


module Private : sig ... end

Private definitions.


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