package orsetto

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The signature of modules produced by the Create(B: Basis) functor.

type +'r t

The abstract type of a monad.

Module inclusions from Cf_monad_core and Cf_seqmonad.

include Core.Unary.Profile with type 'r t := 'r t
val return : 'r -> 'r t

Use return a to apply the binding to a.

val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

Use bind m f to bind f to the value returned by m.

val map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b t

Use map m ~f to return the result of applying f to the value returned by m.

val product : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

Use product a b to return the monoidal product of a and b.

module Affix : Cf_monad_core.Unary.Affix with type 'r t := 'r t

Open Affix to include the affix monad operators.

val disregard : 'r t -> unit t

Use disregard m to ignore the value returned by m and apply the unit value to the bound function.

module Infix = Affix

Deprecated module alias.

include Cf_seqmonad.Functor.Unary with type 'r t := 'r t
val collect : 'r t Seq.t -> (int * 'r list) t

Use collect s to bind in sequence every monad value in the finite sequence s and collect all the returned values. Returns (n, s) where n is the number of values collected and s is the list of values in reverse order, i.e. from last collected to first collected. Never returns and exhausts all memory if s never terminates.

val serial : unit t Seq.t -> unit t

Use serial s to bind in sequence every monad value in the sequence s.


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