package override

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module Types : Ast_types


include module type of struct include Types end
type item = Types.item
type module_binding = Types.module_binding
type module_expr = Types.module_expr
type contents = item list
type include_declaration = module_expr Parsetree.include_infos
type item_desc =
  1. | Extension of Parsetree.extension * Parsetree.attributes
  2. | Type of Asttypes.rec_flag * Parsetree.type_declaration list
  3. | Module of module_binding
  4. | Modtype of Parsetree.module_type_declaration
  5. | Include of include_declaration
  6. | Other of item
type wrapped_item = item_desc Location.loc
type 'a attributed = {
  1. attrs : Parsetree.attributes;
  2. contents : 'a;
val mkattr : loc:Location.t -> ?attrs:Parsetree.attributes -> 'a -> 'a attributed Location.loc
type module_binding_desc = {
  1. name : string Location.loc;
  2. expr : module_expr;
type wrapped_module_binding = module_binding_desc attributed Location.loc
type module_expr_desc =
  1. | Ident of Longident.t Location.loc
  2. | Contents of contents
  3. | Functor of string Location.loc * Parsetree.module_type option * module_expr
  4. | Constraint of module_expr Stdlib.Lazy.t * Parsetree.module_type
  5. | Other of module_expr
type wrapped_module_expr = module_expr_desc attributed Location.loc

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