package pkcs11-driver

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Pointers with a GC link from the structure they are in. These are like Ctypes.ptr except that setf will add a link (through a finalizer) from the structure to the pointer to prevent its early collection.

type 'a t

Ctypes type.

val setf : ('b, 'c) Ctypes.structured -> ('a t, ('b, 'c) Ctypes.structured) Ctypes.field -> 'a Ctypes.ptr -> unit

Combine Ctypes.setf and create. The parent object is set to the structured value.

val getf : ('b, 'c) Ctypes.structured -> ('a t, ('b, 'c) Ctypes.structured) Ctypes.field -> 'a Ctypes.ptr

Call Ctypes.getf and unwrap the result.

val is_null : 'a t -> bool

Call Ctypes.is_null on the underlying pointer


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