package ppx_core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Base end
include module type of struct include Shadow_stdlib end with module Array := Caml.Array with module Buffer := Caml.Buffer with module Char := Caml.Char with module Hashtbl := Caml.Hashtbl with module Int32 := Caml.Int32 with module Int64 := Caml.Int64 with module Lazy := Caml.Lazy with module List := Caml.List with module Map := Caml.Map with module Nativeint := Caml.Nativeint with module Printf := Caml.Printf with module Random := Caml.Random with module Set := Caml.Set with module String := Caml.String with module Sys := Caml.Sys with module Uchar := Caml.Uchar with module Lexing := Caml.Lexing with type ('a, 'b, 'c) format := ('a, 'b, 'c) Pervasives.format with type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 := ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Pervasives.format4 with type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 := ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) Pervasives.format6 with type 'a ref := 'a Pervasives.ref
module Arg = Base.Arg
module ArrayLabels = Base.ArrayLabels
module Bytes = Base.Bytes
module BytesLabels = Base.BytesLabels
module Callback = Base.Callback
module Complex = Base.Complex
module Digest = Base.Digest
module Ephemeron = Base.Ephemeron
module Filename = Base.Filename
module Format = Base.Format
module Gc = Base.Gc
module Genlex = Base.Genlex
module ListLabels = Base.ListLabels
module Marshal = Base.Marshal
module MoreLabels = Base.MoreLabels
module Obj = Base.Obj
module Oo = Base.Oo
module Parsing = Base.Parsing
module Pervasives = Base.Pervasives
module Printexc = Base.Printexc
module Queue = Base.Queue
module Scanf = Base.Scanf
module Sort = Base.Sort
module Spacetime = Base.Spacetime
module Stack = Base.Stack
module StdLabels = Base.StdLabels
module Stream = Base.Stream
module StringLabels = Base.StringLabels
module Weak = Base.Weak
val raise_notrace : exn -> 'a
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.raise_notrace] instead
exception Exit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Refering to the stdlib directly is discouraged by Base. You should either use the equivalent functionality offered by Base, or if you really want to refer to the stdlib, use Caml.Exit instead
val (==) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [phys_equal] instead.
val (!=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [not (phys_equal ...)] instead.
val (&) : bool -> bool -> bool
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.( & )] instead
val or : bool -> bool -> bool
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.( or )] instead
val __LOC__ : string
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.__LOC__] instead
val __FILE__ : string
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.__FILE__] instead
val __LINE__ : int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.__LINE__] instead
val __MODULE__ : string
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.__MODULE__] instead
val __POS__ : string * int * int * int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.__POS__] instead
val __LOC_OF__ : 'a -> string * 'a
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.__LOC_OF__] instead
val __LINE_OF__ : 'a -> int * 'a
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.__LINE_OF__] instead
val __POS_OF__ : 'a -> (string * int * int * int) * 'a
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.__POS_OF__] instead
val (@@) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.( @@ )] instead
val (~+) : int -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.( ~+ )] instead
val succ : int -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.succ] instead
val pred : int -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.pred] instead
val (mod) : int -> int -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.( mod )] instead
val max_int : int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.max_int] instead
val min_int : int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.min_int] instead
val (~-.) : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.( ~-. )] instead
val (~+.) : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.( ~+. )] instead
val (+.) : float -> float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.( +. )] instead
val (-.) : float -> float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.( -. )] instead
val (*.) : float -> float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.( *. )] instead
val (/.) : float -> float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.( /. )] instead
val (**) : float -> float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.( ** )] instead
val sqrt : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.sqrt] instead
val exp : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.exp] instead
val log : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.log] instead
val log10 : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.log10] instead
val expm1 : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.expm1] instead
val log1p : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.log1p] instead
val cos : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.cos] instead
val sin : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.sin] instead
val tan : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.tan] instead
val acos : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.acos] instead
val asin : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.asin] instead
val atan : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.atan] instead
val atan2 : float -> float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.atan2] instead
val hypot : float -> float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.hypot] instead
val cosh : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.cosh] instead
val sinh : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.sinh] instead
val tanh : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.tanh] instead
val ceil : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.ceil] instead
val floor : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.floor] instead
val abs_float : float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.abs_float] instead
val copysign : float -> float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.copysign] instead
val mod_float : float -> float -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.mod_float] instead
val frexp : float -> float * int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.frexp] instead
val ldexp : float -> int -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.ldexp] instead
val modf : float -> float * float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.modf] instead
val float : int -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.float] instead
val float_of_int : int -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.float_of_int] instead
val truncate : float -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.truncate] instead
val int_of_float : float -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.int_of_float] instead
val infinity : float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.infinity] instead
val neg_infinity : float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.neg_infinity] instead
val nan : float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.nan] instead
val max_float : float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.max_float] instead
val min_float : float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.min_float] instead
val epsilon_float : float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.epsilon_float] instead
type nonrec fpclass = Pervasives.fpclass =
  1. | FP_normal
  2. | FP_subnormal
  3. | FP_zero
  4. | FP_infinite
  5. | FP_nan
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Refering to the stdlib directly is discouraged by Base. You should either use the equivalent functionality offered by Base, or if you really want to refer to the stdlib, use Caml.fpclass instead
val classify_float : float -> fpclass
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.classify_float] instead
val int_of_char : char -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.int_of_char] instead
val char_of_int : int -> char
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.char_of_int] instead
val string_of_bool : bool -> string
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.string_of_bool] instead
val bool_of_string : string -> bool
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.bool_of_string] instead
val bool_of_string_opt : string -> bool option
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.bool_of_string_opt] instead
val string_of_int : int -> string
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.string_of_int] instead
val int_of_string : string -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.int_of_string] instead
val int_of_string_opt : string -> int option
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.int_of_string_opt] instead
val string_of_float : float -> string
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.string_of_float] instead
val float_of_string : string -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.float_of_string] instead
val float_of_string_opt : string -> float option
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.float_of_string_opt] instead
type nonrec in_channel = Pervasives.in_channel
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.t] instead.
type nonrec out_channel = Pervasives.out_channel
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.t] instead.
val print_char : char -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_char Stdio.stdout] instead.
val print_string : string -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_string Stdio.stdout] instead.
val print_bytes : bytes -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.print_bytes] instead
val print_int : int -> unit
  • deprecated
val print_float : float -> unit
  • deprecated
val print_newline : unit -> unit
  • deprecated
val prerr_char : char -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_char Stdio.stderr] instead.
val prerr_string : string -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_string Stdio.stderr] instead.
val prerr_bytes : bytes -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.prerr_bytes] instead
val prerr_int : int -> unit
  • deprecated
val prerr_float : float -> unit
  • deprecated
val prerr_newline : unit -> unit
  • deprecated
val read_line : unit -> string
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.input_line] instead.
val read_int : unit -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.read_int] instead
val read_int_opt : unit -> int option
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.read_int_opt] instead
val read_float : unit -> float
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.read_float] instead
val read_float_opt : unit -> float option
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.read_float_opt] instead
type nonrec open_flag = Pervasives.open_flag =
  1. | Open_rdonly
  2. | Open_wronly
  3. | Open_append
  4. | Open_creat
  5. | Open_trunc
  6. | Open_excl
  7. | Open_binary
  8. | Open_text
  9. | Open_nonblock
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Refering to the stdlib directly is discouraged by Base. You should either use the equivalent functionality offered by Base, or if you really want to refer to the stdlib, use Caml.open_flag instead
val open_out : string -> out_channel
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.create] instead.
val open_out_bin : string -> out_channel
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.create] instead.
val open_out_gen : open_flag list -> int -> string -> out_channel
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.open_out_gen] instead
val flush : out_channel -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.flush] instead.
val flush_all : unit -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.flush_all] instead
val output_char : out_channel -> char -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_char] instead.
val output_string : out_channel -> string -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_string] instead.
val output_bytes : out_channel -> bytes -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.output_bytes] instead
val output : out_channel -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output] instead.
val output_substring : out_channel -> string -> int -> int -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output] instead.
val output_byte : out_channel -> int -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_byte] instead.
val output_binary_int : out_channel -> int -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_binary_int] instead.
val output_value : out_channel -> 'a -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_value] instead.
val seek_out : out_channel -> int -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [] instead.
val pos_out : out_channel -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.pos] instead.
val out_channel_length : out_channel -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.length] instead.
val close_out : out_channel -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.close] instead.
val close_out_noerr : out_channel -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.close] instead.
val set_binary_mode_out : out_channel -> bool -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.Out_channel.set_binary_mode] instead.
val open_in : string -> in_channel
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.create] instead.
val open_in_bin : string -> in_channel
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.create] instead.
val open_in_gen : open_flag list -> int -> string -> in_channel
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.open_in_gen] instead
val input_char : in_channel -> char
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.input_char] instead.
val input_line : in_channel -> string
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.input_line] instead.
val input : in_channel -> bytes -> int -> int -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.input] instead.
val really_input : in_channel -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.really_input] instead.
val really_input_string : in_channel -> int -> string
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is no equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio but you can use [Stdio.Out_channel] instead. Alternatively, if you really want to refer the stdlib function you can use [Caml.really_input_string].
val input_byte : in_channel -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.input_byte] instead.
val input_binary_int : in_channel -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.input_binary_int] instead.
val input_value : in_channel -> 'a
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.unsafe_input_value] instead.
val seek_in : in_channel -> int -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [] instead.
val pos_in : in_channel -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.pos] instead.
val in_channel_length : in_channel -> int
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.length] instead.
val close_in : in_channel -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.close] instead.
val close_in_noerr : in_channel -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.close] instead.
val set_binary_mode_in : in_channel -> bool -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Stdio.In_channel.set_binary_mode] instead.
module LargeFile = Base.LargeFile
val incr : int Pervasives.ref -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.incr] instead
val decr : int Pervasives.ref -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.decr] instead
type nonrec ('a, 'b) result = ('a, 'b) Pervasives.result =
  1. | Ok of 'a
  2. | Error of 'b
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Refering to the stdlib directly is discouraged by Base. You should either use the equivalent functionality offered by Base, or if you really want to refer to the stdlib, use Caml.result instead
val string_of_format : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) Pervasives.format6 -> string
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.string_of_format] instead
val format_of_string : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) Pervasives.format6 -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) Pervasives.format6
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.format_of_string] instead
val exit : int -> 'a
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.exit] instead
val at_exit : (unit -> unit) -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.at_exit] instead
val valid_float_lexem : string -> string
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.valid_float_lexem] instead
val unsafe_really_input : in_channel -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.unsafe_really_input] instead
val do_at_exit : unit -> unit
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment, so you need to use [Caml.do_at_exit] instead
module Applicative = Base.Applicative
module Applicative_intf = Base.Applicative_intf
module Array = Base.Array
module Avltree = Base.Avltree
module Backtrace = Base.Backtrace
module Binary_searchable = Base.Binary_searchable
module Binary_searchable_intf = Base.Binary_searchable_intf
module Blit = Base.Blit
module Blit_intf = Base.Blit_intf
module Bool = Base.Bool
module Buffer = Base.Buffer
module Char = Base.Char
module Commutative_group = Base.Commutative_group
module Comparable = Base.Comparable
module Comparable_intf = Base.Comparable_intf
module Comparator = Base.Comparator
module Container = Base.Container
module Container_intf = Base.Container_intf
module Either = Base.Either
module Either_intf = Base.Either_intf
module Equal = Base.Equal
module Error = Base.Error
module Exn = Base.Exn
module Field = Base.Field
module Float = Base.Float
module Floatable = Base.Floatable
module Fn = Base.Fn
module Hash = Base.Hash
module Hash_intf = Base.Hash_intf
module Hash_set = Base.Hash_set
module Hash_set_intf = Base.Hash_set_intf
module Hasher = Base.Hasher
module Hashtbl = Base.Hashtbl
module Hashtbl_intf = Base.Hashtbl_intf
module Heap_block = Base.Heap_block
module Identifiable = Base.Identifiable
module Indexed_container = Base.Indexed_container
module Info = Base.Info
module Info_intf = Base.Info_intf
module Int = Base.Int
module Int32 = Base.Int32
module Int63 = Base.Int63
module Int64 = Base.Int64
module Int_intf = Base.Int_intf
module Intable = Base.Intable
module Invariant = Base.Invariant
module Lazy = Base.Lazy
module List = Base.List
module Map = Base.Map
module Map_intf = Base.Map_intf
module Maybe_bound = Base.Maybe_bound
module Monad = Base.Monad
module Nativeint = Base.Nativeint
module Option = Base.Option
module Or_error = Base.Or_error
module Ordered_collection_common = Base.Ordered_collection_common
module Ordering = Base.Ordering
module Poly = Base.Poly
module Polymorphic_compare = Base.Polymorphic_compare
module Polymorphic_compare_intf = Base.Polymorphic_compare_intf
module Popcount = Base.Popcount
module Pretty_printer = Base.Pretty_printer
module Printf = Base.Printf
module Linked_queue = Base.Linked_queue
module Queue_intf = Base.Queue_intf
module Random = Base.Random
module Ref = Base.Ref
module Result = Base.Result
module Sequence = Base.Sequence
module Set = Base.Set
module Set_intf = Base.Set_intf
module Sexpable = Base.Sexpable
module Sign = Base.Sign
module Source_code_position = Base.Source_code_position
module Staged = Base.Staged
module String = Base.String
module Stringable = Base.Stringable
module String_dict = Base.String_dict
module Sys = Base.Sys
module T = Base.T
module Type_equal = Base.Type_equal
module Unit = Base.Unit
module Uchar = Base.Uchar
module Validate = Base.Validate
module Variant = Base.Variant
module With_return = Base.With_return
module Word_size = Base.Word_size
module Sexp = Base.Sexp
module Export = Base.Export
include module type of struct include Export end
type 'a array = 'a Base.Array.t
val array_of_sexp : 'a. (Base.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Base.Sexp.t -> 'a array
val sexp_of_array : 'a. ('a -> Base.Sexp.t) -> 'a array -> Base.Sexp.t
val compare_array : 'a. ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a array -> 'a array -> int
type bool = Base.Bool.t
val bool_of_sexp : Base.Sexp.t -> bool
val sexp_of_bool : bool -> Base.Sexp.t
val hash_fold_bool : Base.Hash.state -> bool -> Base.Hash.state
val hash_bool : bool -> Base.Hash.hash_value
val compare_bool : bool -> bool -> int
type char = Base.Char.t
val char_of_sexp : Base.Sexp.t -> char
val sexp_of_char : char -> Base.Sexp.t
val hash_fold_char : Base.Hash.state -> char -> Base.Hash.state
val hash_char : char -> Base.Hash.hash_value
val compare_char : char -> char -> int
type exn = Base.Exn.t
val sexp_of_exn : exn -> Base.Sexp.t
type float = Base.Float.t
val float_of_sexp : Base.Sexp.t -> float
val sexp_of_float : float -> Base.Sexp.t
val hash_fold_float : Base.Hash.state -> float -> Base.Hash.state
val hash_float : float -> Base.Hash.hash_value
val compare_float : float -> float -> int
type int = Base.Int.t
val int_of_sexp : Base.Sexp.t -> int
val sexp_of_int : int -> Base.Sexp.t
val hash_fold_int : Base.Hash.state -> int -> Base.Hash.state
val hash_int : int -> Base.Hash.hash_value
val compare_int : int -> int -> int
type int32 = Base.Int32.t
val int32_of_sexp : Base.Sexp.t -> int32
val sexp_of_int32 : int32 -> Base.Sexp.t
val hash_fold_int32 : Base.Hash.state -> int32 -> Base.Hash.state
val hash_int32 : int32 -> Base.Hash.hash_value
val compare_int32 : int32 -> int32 -> int
type int64 = Base.Int64.t
val int64_of_sexp : Base.Sexp.t -> int64
val sexp_of_int64 : int64 -> Base.Sexp.t
val hash_fold_int64 : Base.Hash.state -> int64 -> Base.Hash.state
val hash_int64 : int64 -> Base.Hash.hash_value
val compare_int64 : int64 -> int64 -> int
type 'a list = 'a Base.List.t
val list_of_sexp : 'a. (Base.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Base.Sexp.t -> 'a list
val sexp_of_list : 'a. ('a -> Base.Sexp.t) -> 'a list -> Base.Sexp.t
val hash_fold_list : 'a. (Base.Hash.state -> 'a -> Base.Hash.state) -> Base.Hash.state -> 'a list -> Base.Hash.state
val compare_list : 'a. ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> int
type nativeint = Base.Nativeint.t
val nativeint_of_sexp : Base.Sexp.t -> nativeint
val sexp_of_nativeint : nativeint -> Base.Sexp.t
val hash_fold_nativeint : Base.Hash.state -> nativeint -> Base.Hash.state
val hash_nativeint : nativeint -> Base.Hash.hash_value
val compare_nativeint : nativeint -> nativeint -> int
type 'a option = 'a Base.Option.t
val option_of_sexp : 'a. (Base.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Base.Sexp.t -> 'a option
val sexp_of_option : 'a. ('a -> Base.Sexp.t) -> 'a option -> Base.Sexp.t
val hash_fold_option : 'a. (Base.Hash.state -> 'a -> Base.Hash.state) -> Base.Hash.state -> 'a option -> Base.Hash.state
val compare_option : 'a. ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a option -> 'a option -> int
type 'a ref = 'a Base.Ref.t
val ref_of_sexp : 'a. (Base.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Base.Sexp.t -> 'a ref
val sexp_of_ref : 'a. ('a -> Base.Sexp.t) -> 'a ref -> Base.Sexp.t
val compare_ref : 'a. ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a ref -> 'a ref -> int
type string = Base.String.t
val string_of_sexp : Base.Sexp.t -> string
val sexp_of_string : string -> Base.Sexp.t
val hash_fold_string : Base.Hash.state -> string -> Base.Hash.state
val hash_string : string -> Base.Hash.hash_value
val compare_string : string -> string -> int
type unit = Base.Unit.t
val unit_of_sexp : Base.Sexp.t -> unit
val sexp_of_unit : unit -> Base.Sexp.t
val hash_fold_unit : Base.Hash.state -> unit -> Base.Hash.state
val hash_unit : unit -> Base.Hash.hash_value
val compare_unit : unit -> unit -> int
type nonrec ('a, 'b, 'c) format = ('a, 'b, 'c) Pervasives.format

Format stuff

type nonrec ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 = ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Pervasives.format4
type nonrec ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 = ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) Pervasives.format6

List operators

include module type of struct include Base.List.Infix end
val (@) : 'a Base.List.t -> 'a Base.List.t -> 'a Base.List.t

Int operators and comparisons

include module type of struct include Base.Int.O end

A sub-module designed to be opened to make working with ints more convenient.

A sub-module designed to be opened to make working with ints more convenient.

include Base.Int_intf.Operators_unbounded with type t := Base.Int.t
val (~-) : Base.Int.t -> Base.Int.t
val abs : Base.Int.t -> Base.Int.t
val neg : Base.Int.t -> Base.Int.t
val zero : Base.Int.t
val of_int_exn : int -> Base.Int.t
val (//) : Base.Int.t -> Base.Int.t -> float
val (land) : Base.Int.t -> Base.Int.t -> Base.Int.t
val (lor) : Base.Int.t -> Base.Int.t -> Base.Int.t
val (lxor) : Base.Int.t -> Base.Int.t -> Base.Int.t
val lnot : Base.Int.t -> Base.Int.t
val (lsl) : Base.Int.t -> int -> Base.Int.t
val (asr) : Base.Int.t -> int -> Base.Int.t
val (lsr) : Base.Int.t -> int -> Base.Int.t
val (<) : int -> int -> bool
val (<=) : int -> int -> bool
val (<>) : int -> int -> bool
val (=) : int -> int -> bool
val (>) : int -> int -> bool
val (>=) : int -> int -> bool
val ascending : int -> int -> int
val descending : int -> int -> int
val compare : int -> int -> int
val equal : int -> int -> bool
val max : int -> int -> int
val min : int -> int -> int
val (|>) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b

Composition operator

val (&&) : bool -> bool -> bool

Boolean operations

val (||) : bool -> bool -> bool
val not : bool -> bool
val ignore : _ -> unit

Common string operations

val (!) : 'a ref -> 'a

Reference operations

val ref : 'a -> 'a ref
val (:=) : 'a ref -> 'a -> unit
val fst : ('a * 'b) -> 'a

Pair operations

val snd : ('a * 'b) -> 'b
val failwith : string -> 'a

Exceptions stuff

val invalid_arg : string -> 'a
val raise : exn -> 'a
val raise_s : Base.Sexp.t -> 'a
val phys_equal : 'a -> 'a -> bool


module Not_exposed_properly = Base.Not_exposed_properly
include module type of struct include Stdio end
module In_channel = Stdio.In_channel
module Out_channel = Stdio.Out_channel
val stdin : In_channel.t

Same as In_channel.stdin

val stdout : Out_channel.t

Same as Out_channel.stdout

val stderr : Out_channel.t

Same as Out_channel.stderr

val printf : ('a, Out_channel.t, Base.Unit.t) Pervasives.format -> 'a

Same as Out_channel.printf

val eprintf : ('a, Out_channel.t, Base.Unit.t) Pervasives.format -> 'a

Same as Out_channel.eprintf

val print_endline : Base.String.t -> Base.Unit.t

Same as Out_channel.print_endline

val prerr_endline : Base.String.t -> Base.Unit.t

Same as Out_channel.prerr_endline

include sig ... end
include module type of struct include Ocaml_shadow end with module Ast_helper := Ocaml_shadow.Ast_helper with module Asttypes := Ocaml_shadow.Asttypes with module Docstrings := Ocaml_shadow.Docstrings with module Identifiable := Ocaml_shadow.Identifiable with module Lexer := Ocaml_shadow.Lexer with module Location := Ocaml_shadow.Location with module Longident := Ocaml_shadow.Longident with module Parse := Ocaml_shadow.Parse with module Parser := Ocaml_shadow.Parser with module Parsetree := Ocaml_shadow.Parsetree with module Pprintast := Ocaml_shadow.Pprintast with module Syntaxerr := Ocaml_shadow.Syntaxerr
module Do_not_use_directly = Ocaml_shadow.Do_not_use_directly
module Afl_instrument = Ocaml_shadow.Afl_instrument
module Alias_analysis = Ocaml_shadow.Alias_analysis
module Allocated_const = Ocaml_shadow.Allocated_const
module Annot = Ocaml_shadow.Annot
module Arch = Ocaml_shadow.Arch
module Arg_helper = Ocaml_shadow.Arg_helper
module Asmgen = Ocaml_shadow.Asmgen
module Asmlibrarian = Ocaml_shadow.Asmlibrarian
module Asmpackager = Ocaml_shadow.Asmpackager
module Ast_invariants = Ocaml_shadow.Ast_invariants
module Ast_iterator = Ocaml_shadow.Ast_iterator
module Ast_mapper = Ocaml_shadow.Ast_mapper
module Attr_helper = Ocaml_shadow.Attr_helper
module Augment_specialised_args = Ocaml_shadow.Augment_specialised_args
module Backend_intf = Ocaml_shadow.Backend_intf
module Branch_relaxation = Ocaml_shadow.Branch_relaxation
module Branch_relaxation_intf = Ocaml_shadow.Branch_relaxation_intf
module Btype = Ocaml_shadow.Btype
module Build_export_info = Ocaml_shadow.Build_export_info
module Builtin_attributes = Ocaml_shadow.Builtin_attributes
module Bytegen = Ocaml_shadow.Bytegen
module Bytelibrarian = Ocaml_shadow.Bytelibrarian
module Bytepackager = Ocaml_shadow.Bytepackager
module Bytesections = Ocaml_shadow.Bytesections
module CSE = Ocaml_shadow.CSE
module CSEgen = Ocaml_shadow.CSEgen
module Ccomp = Ocaml_shadow.Ccomp
module Clambda = Ocaml_shadow.Clambda
module Clflags = Ocaml_shadow.Clflags
module Closure = Ocaml_shadow.Closure
module Closure_conversion = Ocaml_shadow.Closure_conversion
module Closure_conversion_aux = Ocaml_shadow.Closure_conversion_aux
module Closure_element = Ocaml_shadow.Closure_element
module Closure_id = Ocaml_shadow.Closure_id
module Closure_offsets = Ocaml_shadow.Closure_offsets
module Cmi_format = Ocaml_shadow.Cmi_format
module Cmm = Ocaml_shadow.Cmm
module Cmmgen = Ocaml_shadow.Cmmgen
module Cmo_format = Ocaml_shadow.Cmo_format
module Cmt_format = Ocaml_shadow.Cmt_format
module Cmx_format = Ocaml_shadow.Cmx_format
module Coloring = Ocaml_shadow.Coloring
module Comballoc = Ocaml_shadow.Comballoc
module Compenv = Ocaml_shadow.Compenv
module Compilation_unit = Ocaml_shadow.Compilation_unit
module Compile = Ocaml_shadow.Compile
module Compilenv = Ocaml_shadow.Compilenv
module Compmisc = Ocaml_shadow.Compmisc
module Compplugin = Ocaml_shadow.Compplugin
module Config = Ocaml_shadow.Config
module Consistbl = Ocaml_shadow.Consistbl
module Ctype = Ocaml_shadow.Ctype
module Datarepr = Ocaml_shadow.Datarepr
module Deadcode = Ocaml_shadow.Deadcode
module Debuginfo = Ocaml_shadow.Debuginfo
module Depend = Ocaml_shadow.Depend
module Dll = Ocaml_shadow.Dll
module Effect_analysis = Ocaml_shadow.Effect_analysis
module Emit = Ocaml_shadow.Emit
module Emitaux = Ocaml_shadow.Emitaux
module Emitcode = Ocaml_shadow.Emitcode
module Env = Ocaml_shadow.Env
module Envaux = Ocaml_shadow.Envaux
module Errors = Ocaml_shadow.Errors
module Export_id = Ocaml_shadow.Export_id
module Export_info = Ocaml_shadow.Export_info
module Export_info_for_pack = Ocaml_shadow.Export_info_for_pack
module Expunge = Ocaml_shadow.Expunge
module Extract_projections = Ocaml_shadow.Extract_projections
module Find_recursive_functions = Ocaml_shadow.Find_recursive_functions
module Flambda = Ocaml_shadow.Flambda
module Flambda_invariants = Ocaml_shadow.Flambda_invariants
module Flambda_iterators = Ocaml_shadow.Flambda_iterators
module Flambda_to_clambda = Ocaml_shadow.Flambda_to_clambda
module Flambda_utils = Ocaml_shadow.Flambda_utils
module Freshening = Ocaml_shadow.Freshening
module Genprintval = Ocaml_shadow.Genprintval
module Id_types = Ocaml_shadow.Id_types
module Ident = Ocaml_shadow.Ident
module Import_approx = Ocaml_shadow.Import_approx
module Includeclass = Ocaml_shadow.Includeclass
module Includecore = Ocaml_shadow.Includecore
module Includemod = Ocaml_shadow.Includemod
module Inconstant_idents = Ocaml_shadow.Inconstant_idents
module Initialize_symbol_to_let_symbol = Ocaml_shadow.Initialize_symbol_to_let_symbol
module Inline_and_simplify = Ocaml_shadow.Inline_and_simplify
module Inline_and_simplify_aux = Ocaml_shadow.Inline_and_simplify_aux
module Inlining_cost = Ocaml_shadow.Inlining_cost
module Inlining_decision = Ocaml_shadow.Inlining_decision
module Inlining_decision_intf = Ocaml_shadow.Inlining_decision_intf
module Inlining_stats = Ocaml_shadow.Inlining_stats
module Inlining_stats_types = Ocaml_shadow.Inlining_stats_types
module Inlining_transforms = Ocaml_shadow.Inlining_transforms
module Instruct = Ocaml_shadow.Instruct
module Interf = Ocaml_shadow.Interf
module Interval = Ocaml_shadow.Interval
module Invariant_params = Ocaml_shadow.Invariant_params
module Lambda = Ocaml_shadow.Lambda
module Lift_code = Ocaml_shadow.Lift_code
module Lift_constants = Ocaml_shadow.Lift_constants
module Lift_let_to_initialize_symbol = Ocaml_shadow.Lift_let_to_initialize_symbol
module Linearize = Ocaml_shadow.Linearize
module Linkage_name = Ocaml_shadow.Linkage_name
module Linscan = Ocaml_shadow.Linscan
module Liveness = Ocaml_shadow.Liveness
module Mach = Ocaml_shadow.Mach
module Main = Ocaml_shadow.Main
module Main_args = Ocaml_shadow.Main_args
module Makedepend = Ocaml_shadow.Makedepend
module Matching = Ocaml_shadow.Matching
module Meta = Ocaml_shadow.Meta
module Middle_end = Ocaml_shadow.Middle_end
module Misc = Ocaml_shadow.Misc
module Mtype = Ocaml_shadow.Mtype
module Mutable_variable = Ocaml_shadow.Mutable_variable
module Numbers = Ocaml_shadow.Numbers
module Opcodes = Ocaml_shadow.Opcodes
module Oprint = Ocaml_shadow.Oprint
module Optcompile = Ocaml_shadow.Optcompile
module Opterrors = Ocaml_shadow.Opterrors
module Optmain = Ocaml_shadow.Optmain
module Outcometree = Ocaml_shadow.Outcometree
module Parameter = Ocaml_shadow.Parameter
module Parmatch = Ocaml_shadow.Parmatch
module Pass_wrapper = Ocaml_shadow.Pass_wrapper
module Path = Ocaml_shadow.Path
module Pparse = Ocaml_shadow.Pparse
module Predef = Ocaml_shadow.Predef
module Primitive = Ocaml_shadow.Primitive
module Printast = Ocaml_shadow.Printast
module Printclambda = Ocaml_shadow.Printclambda
module Printcmm = Ocaml_shadow.Printcmm
module Printinstr = Ocaml_shadow.Printinstr
module Printlambda = Ocaml_shadow.Printlambda
module Printlinear = Ocaml_shadow.Printlinear
module Printmach = Ocaml_shadow.Printmach
module Printtyp = Ocaml_shadow.Printtyp
module Printtyped = Ocaml_shadow.Printtyped
module Proc = Ocaml_shadow.Proc
module Profile = Ocaml_shadow.Profile
module Projection = Ocaml_shadow.Projection
module Ref_to_variables = Ocaml_shadow.Ref_to_variables
module Reg = Ocaml_shadow.Reg
module Reload = Ocaml_shadow.Reload
module Reloadgen = Ocaml_shadow.Reloadgen
module Remove_free_vars_equal_to_args = Ocaml_shadow.Remove_free_vars_equal_to_args
module Remove_unused_arguments = Ocaml_shadow.Remove_unused_arguments
module Remove_unused_closure_vars = Ocaml_shadow.Remove_unused_closure_vars
module Remove_unused_program_constructs = Ocaml_shadow.Remove_unused_program_constructs
module Runtimedef = Ocaml_shadow.Runtimedef
module Schedgen = Ocaml_shadow.Schedgen
module Scheduling = Ocaml_shadow.Scheduling
module Selectgen = Ocaml_shadow.Selectgen
module Selection = Ocaml_shadow.Selection
module Semantics_of_primitives = Ocaml_shadow.Semantics_of_primitives
module Set_of_closures_id = Ocaml_shadow.Set_of_closures_id
module Set_of_closures_origin = Ocaml_shadow.Set_of_closures_origin
module Share_constants = Ocaml_shadow.Share_constants
module Simple_value_approx = Ocaml_shadow.Simple_value_approx
module Simplif = Ocaml_shadow.Simplif
module Simplify_boxed_integer_ops = Ocaml_shadow.Simplify_boxed_integer_ops
module Simplify_boxed_integer_ops_intf = Ocaml_shadow.Simplify_boxed_integer_ops_intf
module Simplify_common = Ocaml_shadow.Simplify_common
module Simplify_primitives = Ocaml_shadow.Simplify_primitives
module Spacetime_profiling = Ocaml_shadow.Spacetime_profiling
module Spill = Ocaml_shadow.Spill
module Split = Ocaml_shadow.Split
module Static_exception = Ocaml_shadow.Static_exception
module Strmatch = Ocaml_shadow.Strmatch
module Strongly_connected_components = Ocaml_shadow.Strongly_connected_components
module Stypes = Ocaml_shadow.Stypes
module Subst = Ocaml_shadow.Subst
module Switch = Ocaml_shadow.Switch
module Symbol = Ocaml_shadow.Symbol
module Symtable = Ocaml_shadow.Symtable
module Tag = Ocaml_shadow.Tag
module Targetint = Ocaml_shadow.Targetint
module Tast_mapper = Ocaml_shadow.Tast_mapper
module Tbl = Ocaml_shadow.Tbl
module Terminfo = Ocaml_shadow.Terminfo
module Topdirs = Ocaml_shadow.Topdirs
module Toploop = Ocaml_shadow.Toploop
module Topmain = Ocaml_shadow.Topmain
module Topstart = Ocaml_shadow.Topstart
module Trace = Ocaml_shadow.Trace
module Translattribute = Ocaml_shadow.Translattribute
module Translclass = Ocaml_shadow.Translclass
module Translcore = Ocaml_shadow.Translcore
module Translmod = Ocaml_shadow.Translmod
module Translobj = Ocaml_shadow.Translobj
module Typeclass = Ocaml_shadow.Typeclass
module Typecore = Ocaml_shadow.Typecore
module Typedecl = Ocaml_shadow.Typedecl
module Typedtree = Ocaml_shadow.Typedtree
module TypedtreeIter = Ocaml_shadow.TypedtreeIter
module TypedtreeMap = Ocaml_shadow.TypedtreeMap
module Typemod = Ocaml_shadow.Typemod
module Typeopt = Ocaml_shadow.Typeopt
module Types = Ocaml_shadow.Types
module Typetexp = Ocaml_shadow.Typetexp
module Un_anf = Ocaml_shadow.Un_anf
module Unbox_closures = Ocaml_shadow.Unbox_closures
module Unbox_free_vars_of_closures = Ocaml_shadow.Unbox_free_vars_of_closures
module Unbox_specialised_args = Ocaml_shadow.Unbox_specialised_args
module Untypeast = Ocaml_shadow.Untypeast
module Var_within_closure = Ocaml_shadow.Var_within_closure
module Variable = Ocaml_shadow.Variable
module Warnings = Ocaml_shadow.Warnings
module X86_ast = Ocaml_shadow.X86_ast
module X86_dsl = Ocaml_shadow.X86_dsl
module X86_gas = Ocaml_shadow.X86_gas
module X86_masm = Ocaml_shadow.X86_masm
module X86_proc = Ocaml_shadow.X86_proc
module Std : sig ... end
module Light : sig ... end
include module type of struct include Light end
include module type of struct include Ppx_ast end
module Ast = Light.Ast
module Ast_helper = Light.Ast_helper
module Ast_magic = Light.Ast_magic
module Asttypes = Light.Asttypes
module Docstrings = Light.Docstrings
module Extra_warnings = Light.Extra_warnings
module Lexer = Light.Lexer
module Parse = Light.Parse
module Parser = Light.Parser
module Parsetree = Light.Parsetree
module Pprintast = Light.Pprintast
module Selected_ast = Light.Selected_ast
module Syntaxerr = Light.Syntaxerr
include module type of struct include Ast end
type position = Lexing.position = {
  1. pos_fname : string;
  2. pos_lnum : int;
  3. pos_bol : int;
  4. pos_cnum : int;
and location = Ppx_ast__.Import.Location.t = {
  1. loc_start : position;
  2. loc_end : position;
  3. loc_ghost : bool;
and 'a loc = 'a Ppx_ast__.Import.Location.loc = {
  1. txt : 'a;
  2. loc : location;
and longident = Ppx_ast__.Import.Longident.t =
  1. | Lident of string
  2. | Ldot of longident * string
  3. | Lapply of longident * longident
and longident_loc = longident loc
and rec_flag = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Asttypes.rec_flag =
  1. | Nonrecursive
  2. | Recursive
and direction_flag = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Asttypes.direction_flag =
  1. | Upto
  2. | Downto
and private_flag = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Asttypes.private_flag =
  1. | Private
  2. | Public
and mutable_flag = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
  1. | Immutable
  2. | Mutable
and virtual_flag = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
  1. | Virtual
  2. | Concrete
and override_flag = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Asttypes.override_flag =
  1. | Override
  2. | Fresh
and closed_flag = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Asttypes.closed_flag =
  1. | Closed
  2. | Open
and label = string
and arg_label = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Asttypes.arg_label =
  1. | Nolabel
  2. | Labelled of string
  3. | Optional of string
and variance = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Asttypes.variance =
  1. | Covariant
  2. | Contravariant
  3. | Invariant

Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing

and constant = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.constant =
  1. | Pconst_integer of string * char option
  2. | Pconst_char of char
  3. | Pconst_string of string * string option
  4. | Pconst_float of string * char option

Extension points

and attribute = string loc * payload
and extension = string loc * payload
and attributes = attribute list
and payload = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.payload =
  1. | PStr of structure
  2. | PSig of signature
  3. | PTyp of core_type
  4. | PPat of pattern * expression option

Core language

and core_type = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.core_type = {
  1. ptyp_desc : core_type_desc;
  2. ptyp_loc : location;
  3. ptyp_attributes : attributes;
and core_type_desc = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
  1. | Ptyp_any
  2. | Ptyp_var of string
  3. | Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type
  4. | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
  5. | Ptyp_constr of longident_loc * core_type list
  6. | Ptyp_object of (string * attributes * core_type) list * closed_flag
  7. | Ptyp_class of longident_loc * core_type list
  8. | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string
  9. | Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
  10. | Ptyp_poly of string list * core_type
  11. | Ptyp_package of package_type
  12. | Ptyp_extension of extension
and package_type = longident_loc * (longident_loc * core_type) list
and row_field = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.row_field =
  1. | Rtag of label * attributes * bool * core_type list
  2. | Rinherit of core_type
and pattern = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.pattern = {
  1. ppat_desc : pattern_desc;
  2. ppat_loc : location;
  3. ppat_attributes : attributes;
and pattern_desc = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
  1. | Ppat_any
  2. | Ppat_var of string loc
  3. | Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc
  4. | Ppat_constant of constant
  5. | Ppat_interval of constant * constant
  6. | Ppat_tuple of pattern list
  7. | Ppat_construct of longident_loc * pattern option
  8. | Ppat_variant of label * pattern option
  9. | Ppat_record of (longident_loc * pattern) list * closed_flag
  10. | Ppat_array of pattern list
  11. | Ppat_or of pattern * pattern
  12. | Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type
  13. | Ppat_type of longident_loc
  14. | Ppat_lazy of pattern
  15. | Ppat_unpack of string loc
  16. | Ppat_exception of pattern
  17. | Ppat_extension of extension
and expression = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.expression = {
  1. pexp_desc : expression_desc;
  2. pexp_loc : location;
  3. pexp_attributes : attributes;
and expression_desc = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.expression_desc =
  1. | Pexp_ident of longident_loc
  2. | Pexp_constant of constant
  3. | Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
  4. | Pexp_function of case list
  5. | Pexp_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * expression
  6. | Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list
  7. | Pexp_match of expression * case list
  8. | Pexp_try of expression * case list
  9. | Pexp_tuple of expression list
  10. | Pexp_construct of longident_loc * expression option
  11. | Pexp_variant of label * expression option
  12. | Pexp_record of (longident_loc * expression) list * expression option
  13. | Pexp_field of expression * longident_loc
  14. | Pexp_setfield of expression * longident_loc * expression
  15. | Pexp_array of expression list
  16. | Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
  17. | Pexp_sequence of expression * expression
  18. | Pexp_while of expression * expression
  19. | Pexp_for of pattern * expression * expression * direction_flag * expression
  20. | Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type
  21. | Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type
  22. | Pexp_send of expression * string
  23. | Pexp_new of longident_loc
  24. | Pexp_setinstvar of string loc * expression
  25. | Pexp_override of (string loc * expression) list
  26. | Pexp_letmodule of string loc * module_expr * expression
  27. | Pexp_assert of expression
  28. | Pexp_lazy of expression
  29. | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option
  30. | Pexp_object of class_structure
  31. | Pexp_newtype of string * expression
  32. | Pexp_pack of module_expr
  33. | Pexp_open of override_flag * longident_loc * expression
  34. | Pexp_extension of extension
  35. | Pexp_unreachable
and case = = {
  1. pc_lhs : pattern;
  2. pc_guard : expression option;
  3. pc_rhs : expression;
and value_description = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.value_description = {
  1. pval_name : string loc;
  2. pval_type : core_type;
  3. pval_prim : string list;
  4. pval_attributes : attributes;
  5. pval_loc : location;
and type_declaration = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.type_declaration = {
  1. ptype_name : string loc;
  2. ptype_params : (core_type * variance) list;
  3. ptype_cstrs : (core_type * core_type * location) list;
  4. ptype_kind : type_kind;
  5. ptype_private : private_flag;
  6. ptype_manifest : core_type option;
  7. ptype_attributes : attributes;
  8. ptype_loc : location;
and type_kind = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.type_kind =
  1. | Ptype_abstract
  2. | Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list
  3. | Ptype_record of label_declaration list
  4. | Ptype_open
and label_declaration = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.label_declaration = {
  1. pld_name : string loc;
  2. pld_mutable : mutable_flag;
  3. pld_type : core_type;
  4. pld_loc : location;
  5. pld_attributes : attributes;
and constructor_declaration = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.constructor_declaration = {
  1. pcd_name : string loc;
  2. pcd_args : constructor_arguments;
  3. pcd_res : core_type option;
  4. pcd_loc : location;
  5. pcd_attributes : attributes;
and constructor_arguments = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.constructor_arguments =
  1. | Pcstr_tuple of core_type list
  2. | Pcstr_record of label_declaration list
and type_extension = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.type_extension = {
  1. ptyext_path : longident_loc;
  2. ptyext_params : (core_type * variance) list;
  3. ptyext_constructors : extension_constructor list;
  4. ptyext_private : private_flag;
  5. ptyext_attributes : attributes;
and extension_constructor = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.extension_constructor = {
  1. pext_name : string loc;
  2. pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind;
  3. pext_loc : location;
  4. pext_attributes : attributes;
and extension_constructor_kind = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind =
  1. | Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option
  2. | Pext_rebind of longident_loc

Class language

and class_type = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.class_type = {
  1. pcty_desc : class_type_desc;
  2. pcty_loc : location;
  3. pcty_attributes : attributes;
and class_type_desc = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
  1. | Pcty_constr of longident_loc * core_type list
  2. | Pcty_signature of class_signature
  3. | Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type
  4. | Pcty_extension of extension
and class_signature = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.class_signature = {
  1. pcsig_self : core_type;
  2. pcsig_fields : class_type_field list;
and class_type_field = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_field = {
  1. pctf_desc : class_type_field_desc;
  2. pctf_loc : location;
  3. pctf_attributes : attributes;
and class_type_field_desc = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc =
  1. | Pctf_inherit of class_type
  2. | Pctf_val of string * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type
  3. | Pctf_method of string * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type
  4. | Pctf_constraint of core_type * core_type
  5. | Pctf_attribute of attribute
  6. | Pctf_extension of extension
and 'a class_infos = 'a Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.class_infos = {
  1. pci_virt : virtual_flag;
  2. pci_params : (core_type * variance) list;
  3. pci_name : string loc;
  4. pci_expr : 'a;
  5. pci_loc : location;
  6. pci_attributes : attributes;
and class_description = class_type class_infos
and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
and class_expr = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.class_expr = {
  1. pcl_desc : class_expr_desc;
  2. pcl_loc : location;
  3. pcl_attributes : attributes;
and class_expr_desc = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
  1. | Pcl_constr of longident_loc * core_type list
  2. | Pcl_structure of class_structure
  3. | Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr
  4. | Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list
  5. | Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr
  6. | Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type
  7. | Pcl_extension of extension
and class_structure = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.class_structure = {
  1. pcstr_self : pattern;
  2. pcstr_fields : class_field list;
and class_field = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.class_field = {
  1. pcf_desc : class_field_desc;
  2. pcf_loc : location;
  3. pcf_attributes : attributes;
and class_field_desc = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
  1. | Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string option
  2. | Pcf_val of string loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind
  3. | Pcf_method of string loc * private_flag * class_field_kind
  4. | Pcf_constraint of core_type * core_type
  5. | Pcf_initializer of expression
  6. | Pcf_attribute of attribute
  7. | Pcf_extension of extension
and class_field_kind = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
  1. | Cfk_virtual of core_type
  2. | Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos

Module language

and module_type = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.module_type = {
  1. pmty_desc : module_type_desc;
  2. pmty_loc : location;
  3. pmty_attributes : attributes;
and module_type_desc = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
  1. | Pmty_ident of longident_loc
  2. | Pmty_signature of signature
  3. | Pmty_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_type
  4. | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list
  5. | Pmty_typeof of module_expr
  6. | Pmty_extension of extension
  7. | Pmty_alias of longident_loc
and signature = signature_item list
and signature_item_desc = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.signature_item_desc =
  1. | Psig_value of value_description
  2. | Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
  3. | Psig_typext of type_extension
  4. | Psig_exception of extension_constructor
  5. | Psig_module of module_declaration
  6. | Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list
  7. | Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration
  8. | Psig_open of open_description
  9. | Psig_include of include_description
  10. | Psig_class of class_description list
  11. | Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
  12. | Psig_attribute of attribute
  13. | Psig_extension of extension * attributes
and module_declaration = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.module_declaration = {
  1. pmd_name : string loc;
  2. pmd_type : module_type;
  3. pmd_attributes : attributes;
  4. pmd_loc : location;
and module_type_declaration = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.module_type_declaration = {
  1. pmtd_name : string loc;
  2. pmtd_type : module_type option;
  3. pmtd_attributes : attributes;
  4. pmtd_loc : location;
and open_description = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.open_description = {
  1. popen_lid : longident_loc;
  2. popen_override : override_flag;
  3. popen_loc : location;
  4. popen_attributes : attributes;
and 'a include_infos = 'a Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.include_infos = {
  1. pincl_mod : 'a;
  2. pincl_loc : location;
  3. pincl_attributes : attributes;
and include_description = module_type include_infos
and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
and with_constraint = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.with_constraint =
  1. | Pwith_type of longident_loc * type_declaration
  2. | Pwith_module of longident_loc * longident_loc
  3. | Pwith_typesubst of type_declaration
  4. | Pwith_modsubst of string loc * longident_loc
and module_expr = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.module_expr = {
  1. pmod_desc : module_expr_desc;
  2. pmod_loc : location;
  3. pmod_attributes : attributes;
and module_expr_desc = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
  1. | Pmod_ident of longident_loc
  2. | Pmod_structure of structure
  3. | Pmod_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_expr
  4. | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr
  5. | Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type
  6. | Pmod_unpack of expression
  7. | Pmod_extension of extension
and structure = structure_item list
and structure_item_desc = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.structure_item_desc =
  1. | Pstr_eval of expression * attributes
  2. | Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
  3. | Pstr_primitive of value_description
  4. | Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
  5. | Pstr_typext of type_extension
  6. | Pstr_exception of extension_constructor
  7. | Pstr_module of module_binding
  8. | Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list
  9. | Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
  10. | Pstr_open of open_description
  11. | Pstr_class of class_declaration list
  12. | Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list
  13. | Pstr_include of include_declaration
  14. | Pstr_attribute of attribute
  15. | Pstr_extension of extension * attributes
and value_binding = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.value_binding = {
  1. pvb_pat : pattern;
  2. pvb_expr : expression;
  3. pvb_attributes : attributes;
  4. pvb_loc : location;
and module_binding = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.module_binding = {
  1. pmb_name : string loc;
  2. pmb_expr : module_expr;
  3. pmb_attributes : attributes;
  4. pmb_loc : location;


and toplevel_phrase = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
  1. | Ptop_def of structure
  2. | Ptop_dir of string * directive_argument
and directive_argument = Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.directive_argument =
  1. | Pdir_none
  2. | Pdir_string of string
  3. | Pdir_int of string * char option
  4. | Pdir_ident of longident
  5. | Pdir_bool of bool
class virtual map : object ... end
class virtual iter : object ... end
class virtual +'b fold : object ... end
class virtual +'b fold_map : object ... end
class virtual +'b map_with_context : object ... end
class virtual +'b lift : object ... end
include module type of struct include Std end
  • deprecated [since 2017-01] Use Ppx_core or Ppx_core.Light instead
module Ast_builder : sig ... end

Helpers for build OCaml AST fragments

module Ast_pattern : sig ... end

First class AST patterns

module Ast_traverse : sig ... end

AST traversal classes

module Attribute : sig ... end

Attribute hygiene

module Caller_id : sig ... end
module Context_free : sig ... end

Context free rewriting

module Extension : sig ... end
module File_path : sig ... end

Return the path used as root in a file

module Loc : sig ... end

Located items

module Reserved_namespaces = Light.Reserved_namespaces
module Spellcheck : sig ... end
val lident : Base.String.t -> Longident.t
val gen_symbol : ?prefix:Base.String.t -> Base.Unit.t -> Base.String.t

gen_symbol ?prefix () generates a fresh variable name with prefix.

  • parameter prefix

    default = "_x"

val assert_no_attributes : (string Ppx_ast__.Import.Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.payload) list -> Base.Unit.t
val assert_no_attributes_in : Ast_traverse.iter

get_tparam_id tp

  • returns

    the string identifier associated with tp if it is a type parameter.

Returns whether the given type declarations refer to themselves.

short_circuit allows you to override the search for certain type expressions.

stop_on_functions allows to disregard the recursive occurences appearing in arrow types. The default is to disregard them.

val loc_of_payload : (string Ppx_ast__.Import.Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.payload) -> Location.t
val loc_of_attribute : (string Ppx_ast__.Import.Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.payload) -> Location.t

convert multi-arg function applications into a cascade of 1-arg applications

val attribute_of_warning : Location.t -> Base.String.t -> string Ppx_ast__.Import.Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_403.Ast.Parsetree.payload

Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be inserted in a generated Parsetree. The compiler will be responsible for reporting the warning.

module Location : sig ... end

Overrides the Location module of OCaml

module Longident : sig ... end

Overrides the Longident module of OCaml

module Ast_builder_403 = Light.Ast_builder_403
module Ast_pattern_403 = Light.Ast_pattern_403
val (^^) : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) Caml.format6 -> ('f, 'b, 'c, 'e, 'g, 'h) Caml.format6 -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'g, 'h) Caml.format6

Innovation. Community. Security.