package ppxlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


This section is here to allow viewing complete examples of PPXs written using ppxlib directly in the documentation. However, they are not "complete" in the sense that the overall organization, such as the dune files, is not included.

In order to see a fully working complete example of a PPX written using ppxlib, that you can compile, modify and test, go to the examples folder of ppxlib sources.


The fully complete, ready-to-compile ppx_deriving_accesors example is accessible in ppxlib's sources.

This deriver will generate accessors for record fields, from the record type definition.

For example, this code:

type t =
  { a : string
  ; b : int
  [@@deriving accessors]

will generate the following, appended after the type definition:

let a x = x.a
let b x = x.b

The entire code is:

open Ppxlib
module List = ListLabels
open Ast_builder.Default

let accessor_impl (ld : label_declaration) =
  let loc = ld.pld_loc in
  pstr_value ~loc Nonrecursive
        pvb_pat = ppat_var ~loc ld.pld_name;
        pvb_expr =
          pexp_fun ~loc Nolabel None
            (ppat_var ~loc { loc; txt = "x" })
            (pexp_field ~loc
               (pexp_ident ~loc { loc; txt = lident "x" })
               { loc; txt = lident ld.pld_name.txt });
        pvb_attributes = [];
        pvb_loc = loc;

let accessor_intf ~ptype_name (ld : label_declaration) =
  let loc = ld.pld_loc in
  psig_value ~loc
      pval_name = ld.pld_name;
      pval_type =
        ptyp_arrow ~loc Nolabel
          (ptyp_constr ~loc { loc; txt = lident ptype_name.txt } [])
      pval_attributes = [];
      pval_loc = loc;
      pval_prim = [];

let generate_impl ~ctxt (_rec_flag, type_declarations) =
  let loc = Expansion_context.Deriver.derived_item_loc ctxt in type_declarations ~f:(fun (td : type_declaration) ->
      match td with
      | {
       ptype_kind = Ptype_abstract | Ptype_variant _ | Ptype_open;
      } ->
          let ext =
            Location.error_extensionf ~loc:ptype_loc
              "Cannot derive accessors for non record types"
          [ Ast_builder.Default.pstr_extension ~loc ext [] ]
      | { ptype_kind = Ptype_record fields; _ } ->
 fields ~f:accessor_impl)
  |> List.concat

let generate_intf ~ctxt (_rec_flag, type_declarations) =
  let loc = Expansion_context.Deriver.derived_item_loc ctxt in type_declarations ~f:(fun (td : type_declaration) ->
      match td with
      | {
       ptype_kind = Ptype_abstract | Ptype_variant _ | Ptype_open;
      } ->
          let ext =
            Location.error_extensionf ~loc:ptype_loc
              "Cannot derive accessors for non record types"
          [ Ast_builder.Default.psig_extension ~loc ext [] ]
      | { ptype_kind = Ptype_record fields; ptype_name; _ } ->
 fields ~f:(accessor_intf ~ptype_name))
  |> List.concat

let impl_generator = Deriving.Generator.V2.make_noarg generate_impl
let intf_generator = Deriving.Generator.V2.make_noarg generate_intf

let my_deriver =
  Deriving.add "accessors" ~str_type_decl:impl_generator


The fully complete, ready-to-compile ppx_get_env example is accessible in ppxlib's sources.

A PPX rewriter that will expand [%get_env "SOME_ENV_VAR"] into the value of the env variable SOME_ENV_VAR at compile time, as a string.

E.g., assuming we set MY_VAR="foo", it will turn:

let () = print_string [%get_env "foo"]



let () = print_string "foo"

Note that this is just a toy example, and we actually advise against this type of PPX that has side effects or relies heavily on the file system or env variables, unless you absolutely you know what you're doing.

In this case, it won't work well with Dune, since Dune won't know about the dependency on the env variables specified in the extension's payload.

The entire code is:

open Ppxlib

let expand ~ctxt env_var =
  let loc = Expansion_context.Extension.extension_point_loc ctxt in
  match Sys.getenv env_var with
  | value -> Ast_builder.Default.estring ~loc value
  | exception Not_found ->
      let ext =
        Location.error_extensionf ~loc "The environment variable %s is unbound"
      Ast_builder.Default.pexp_extension ~loc ext

let my_extension =
  Extension.V3.declare "get_env" Extension.Context.expression
    Ast_pattern.(single_expr_payload (estring __))

let rule = Ppxlib.Context_free.Rule.extension my_extension
let () = Driver.register_transformation ~rules:[ rule ] "get_env"


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