package sihl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val prepare_requests : string -> string -> string -> string -> 'a Caqti_type.t -> (int, 'a, [ `Many | `One | `Zero ]) Caqti_request.t * (int, 'a, [ `Many | `One | `Zero ]) Caqti_request.t * (string * int, 'a, [ `Many | `One | `Zero ]) Caqti_request.t * (string * int, 'a, [ `Many | `One | `Zero ]) Caqti_request.t * (unit, int, [< `Many | `One | `Zero One ]) Caqti_request.t
val run_request : (module Caqti_lwt.CONNECTION) -> (('a, 'b, [< `Many | `One | `Zero ]) Caqti_request.t * ('a, 'b, [< `Many | `One | `Zero ]) Caqti_request.t * ('c * 'a, 'b, [< `Many | `One | `Zero ]) Caqti_request.t * ('c * 'a, 'b, [< `Many | `One | `Zero ]) Caqti_request.t * (unit, int, [< `One ]) Caqti_request.t) -> [< `Asc | `Desc ] -> 'c option -> 'a -> ('b list * int) Lwt.t
val raise_error : ('a, Caqti_error.t) Result.t -> 'a

raise_error err raises a printable caqti error err .

fetch_pool () returns the connection pool that was set up. If there was no connection pool set up, setting it up now.

val query : (Caqti_lwt.connection -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t

query f runs the query f on the connection pool and returns the result. If the query fails the Lwt.t fails as well.

val query' : (Caqti_lwt.connection -> ('a, Caqti_error.t) Result.t Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t

query' f runs the query f on the connection pool and returns the result. Use query' instead of query as a shorthand when you have a single caqti request to execute.

val transaction : (Caqti_lwt.connection -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t

transaction f runs the query f on the connection pool in a transaction and returns the result. If the query fails the Lwt.t fails as well and the transaction gets rolled back. If the database driver doesn't support transactions, transaction gracefully becomes query.

val transaction' : (Caqti_lwt.connection -> ('a, Caqti_error.t) Result.t Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t

transaction' f runs the query f on the connection pool in a transaction and returns the result. If the query fails the Lwt.t fails as well and the transaction gets rolled back. If the database driver doesn't support transactions, transaction' gracefully becomes query'.

val register : unit -> Sihl__.Core_container.Service.t
val lifecycle : Sihl__.Core_container.lifecycle

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