package topkg

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
The transitory OCaml software packager


Dune Dependency





v0.7.5 2016-06-22 Cambridge (UK)

  • topkg doc add short option -d for --dev.

  • Fix Pkg.mllib, module list was lowercased rather than uncapitalized.

v0.7.4 2016-06-17 Cambridge (UK)

  • Add test description and run support. New topkg test command.

  • Add distribution publication description support. Allows to define the set of default publication artefacts in the package description. The cli syntax of topkg publish for alternative artefacts changes from alt KIND to alt-KIND.

  • Distributed (and thus installed) OPAM files are now properly versioned via the version: field.

  • Improve tarball reproducibility across systems by not relying on the VCS checkout state for determining the read and write rights (#43).

  • OPAM package submission: use the opam-publish submit message to append the release notes to the submission.

  • Toy GitHub delegate: improve user authentication by trying to steal an existing opam-publish token.

  • Toy GitHub delegate: improve package documentation publication. Thanks to Thomas Gazagnaire for the patches.

  • Error message and IPC logging level propagation improvements. Thanks to Thomas Gazagnaire for the help.

v0.7.3 2016-06-12 Cambridge (UK)

  • Change pin build detection (#44). This changes OPAM build instruction for packages. Substitute "--installer" "true" by "--pinned" "%{pinned}%" in build instructions. The --installer option is deprecated and has no effect.

v0.7.2 2016-06-02 Cambridge (UK)

  • Pkg.describe, allow multiple readme, change log and license files. The optional arguments readme, change_log and license become readmes, change_logs, licenses with the same default. When topkg needs to act on a change log (e.g. topkg log) or readme (e.g. topkg opam descr), it acts on the first element of change_log and/or readmes.

  • Fix Conf.vcs discovery to only look for a git directory in the build directory (#42).

v0.7.1 2016-05-26 Arbaz (VS)

  • Improve Windows support. Thanks to Andreas Hauptmann for the help.

v0.7.0 2016-05-22 La Forclaz (VS)

First release.


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