package unix-errno

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val host : Errno.Host.t

host is the bidirectional error number map for the host upon which this code is executing.

val to_unix : ?host:Errno.Host.t -> Errno.t -> Unix.error option

to_unix ?host errno is the Unix.error corresponding to errno if one exists. If host is not supplied, host will be used.

val of_unix : ?host:Errno.Host.t -> Unix.error -> Errno.t list

of_unix ?host error is the list of symbolic error numbers corresponding to the Unix.error, error. If host is not supplied, host will be used.

val get_errno : unit -> int

get_errno () returns the current value of the C errno thread-local variable.

val reset_errno : unit -> unit

reset_errno () sets the current value of the C errno thread-local variable to 0.

val raise_errno : ?call:string -> ?label:string -> int -> 'a

raise_errno ?call ?label errno raises Errno.Error after converting errno to the appropriate variants via host. call and label default to the empty string.

val raise_on_errno : ?call:string -> ?label:string -> (unit -> 'a option) -> 'a

raise_on_errno ?call ?label fn raises Errno.Error using the code in the C errno variable if fn returns None. call and label default to the empty string.

val to_errno_exn : exn -> exn

to_errno_exn exn converts exn into an Errno.Error if it is a Unix.Unix_error and otherwise does not modify it.

val with_errno_exn : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

with_errno_exn fn raises Errno.Error instead of Unix.Unix_error if fn raises the latter.

val to_unix_exn : exn -> exn

to_unix_exn exn converts exn into a Unix.Unix_error if it is an Errno.Error and an errno code exists on the present host. Otherwise, to_unix_exn does not modify exn.

val with_unix_exn : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

with_unix_exn fn raises Unix.Unix_error instead of Errno.Error if fn raises the latter and an errno code exists on the present host.


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