package zed

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
exception Invalid of string * string

Invalid (error, text) Exception raised when an invalid Zed_char sequence is encountered. text is the faulty text and error is a description of the first error in text.

exception Out_of_bounds

Exception raised when trying to access a character which is outside the bounds of a string.

type seg_width = {
  1. start : int;
  2. len : int;
  3. width : int;

Type of the width of a segment of a Zed_string.t

type all_width = {
  1. len : int;
  2. width : int;

Type of the width of a whole Zed_string.t

type width = (all_width, seg_width) Result.result

Type of the width of a Zed_string.t

type t

Type of Zed_string.t

val unsafe_of_utf8 : string -> t

Create a Zed_string.t from a utf8 encoded string.

val of_utf8 : string -> t

Create a Zed_string.t from a utf8 encoded string and check whether it's well formed.

val to_utf8 : t -> string

Create a utf8 encoded string from a Zed_string.t.

val explode : t -> Zed_char.t list

explode str returns the list of all Zed_char.t of str.

val rev_explode : t -> Zed_char.t list

explode str returns the list of all Zed_char.t of str in reverse order.

val unsafe_explode : t -> Zed_char.t list

explode str returns the list of all Zed_char.t of str even if str is malformed.

val unsafe_rev_explode : t -> Zed_char.t list

explode str returns the list of all Zed_char.t of str in reverse order even if str is malformed.

val implode : Zed_char.t list -> t

implode l returns the concatenation of all Zed_char.t of l.

val aval_width : width -> int

Returns the widest available width

val init : int -> (int -> Zed_char.t) -> t

init n f returns the contenation of implode [(f 0)], implode [(f 1)], ..., implode [(f (n - 1))].

val init_from_uChars : int -> (int -> Stdlib.Uchar.t) -> t

init n f creates a sequence of Uchar.t of f 0, f 1, ..., f (n-1) and implode the contenation of it.

val make : int -> Zed_char.t -> t

make n ch creates a Zed_string.t of length n filled with ch.

val copy : t -> t

copy s returns a copy of s, that is, a fresh Zed_string.t containing the same elements as s.

val to_raw_list : t -> Stdlib.Uchar.t list

Same as explode, but the elements in the list is Uchar.t.

val to_raw_array : t -> Stdlib.Uchar.t array

Same as explode, but the elements in the array is Uchar.t.

type index = int
val get : t -> int -> Zed_char.t

get str idx returns the Zed_char.t at index idx in str.

val get_raw : t -> int -> Stdlib.Uchar.t

get_raw str idx returns the Uchar.t at Uchar.t based index idx in str.

val empty : unit -> t

empty () creates an empty Zed_string.t.

val width_ofs : ?start:index -> ?num:int -> t -> width

width_ofs ?start ?num str returns the width of a Zed_string.t that starts at offset start and has length less than num.

val width : ?start:int -> ?num:int -> t -> width

width ?start ?num str returns the width of a Zed_string.t that starts at positon start and has length less than num.

val bytes : t -> index

bytes str returns the number of bytes in str. It's also the index point to the end of str.

val size : t -> int

size str returns the number of Uchar.t in str.

val length : t -> int

length str returns the number of Zed_char.t in str

val next_ofs : t -> int -> int

next_ofs str ofs returns the offset of the next zed_char in str.

val prev_ofs : t -> int -> int

prev_ofs str ofs returns the offset of the previous zed_char in str.

val extract : t -> index -> Zed_char.t

extract str ofs returns the Zed_char.t at offset ofs in str.

val extract_next : t -> index -> Zed_char.t * index

extract_next str ofs returns the Zed_char.t at offset ofs in str and the offset of the next Zed_char.t

val extract_prev : t -> index -> Zed_char.t * index

extract_prev str ofs returns the Zed_char.t at the previous offset ofs in str and this offset.

val unsafe_of_uChars : Stdlib.Uchar.t list -> t

unsafe_of_uChars l returns the concatenation of all Uchar.t of l.

val of_uChars : Stdlib.Uchar.t list -> t * Stdlib.Uchar.t list

of_uChars l returns a tuple of which the first element is a well formed Zed_string.t concatenating of all Uchar.t of l and the second element is a list of the remaining Uchar.t.

val for_all : (Zed_char.t -> bool) -> t -> bool

for_all p zStr checks if all Zed_char.t in zStr satisfy the predicate p.

val iter : (Zed_char.t -> unit) -> t -> unit

iter f str applies f an all characters of str starting from the left.

val rev_iter : (Zed_char.t -> unit) -> t -> unit

iter f str applies f an all characters of str starting from the right.

val fold : (Zed_char.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a

fold f str acc applies f on all characters of str starting from the left, accumulating a value.

val rev_fold : (Zed_char.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a

fold f str acc applies f on all characters of str starting from the right, accumulating a value.

val map : (Zed_char.t -> Zed_char.t) -> t -> t

map f str maps all characters of str with f.

val rev_map : (Zed_char.t -> Zed_char.t) -> t -> t

map f str maps all characters of str with f in reverse order.

val check_range : t -> int -> bool
val look : t -> index -> Stdlib.Uchar.t

look str idx returns the character in the location idx of str.

val nth : t -> int -> index

nth str n returns the location of the n-th character in str.

next str i, prev str i The operation is valid if i points the valid element, i.e. the returned value may point the location beyond valid elements by one. If i does not point a valid element, the results are unspecified.

val next : t -> index -> index

next str idx returns the index of the next zed_char in str.

val prev : t -> index -> index

prev str idx returns the index of the previous zed_char in str.

val out_of_range : t -> index -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int

Compares two strings by

val first : t -> index

first str returns the location of the first character in str.

val last : t -> index

last str returns the location of the last character in str.

val move : t -> index -> int -> index

move str i n if n >= 0, then returns n-th character after i and otherwise returns -n-th character before i. If there is no such character, or i does not point a valid character, the result is unspecified.

val move_raw : t -> index -> int -> index

move_raw str i n if n >= 0, then returns n-th Uchar.t after i and otherwise returns -n-th Uchar.t before i. If there is no such Uchar.t, or i does not point a valid Uchar.t, the result is unspecified.

val compare_index : t -> index -> index -> int

compare_index str i j returns a positive integer if i is the location placed after j in str, 0 if i and j point the same location, and a negative integer if i is the location placed before j in str.

val sub_ofs : ofs:index -> len:int -> t -> t

sub_ofs ofs len str returns the sub-string of str starting at byte-offset ofs and of byte-length len.

val sub : pos:int -> len:int -> t -> t

sub ~pos ~len str returns the sub-string of str starting at position pos and of length len.

val after : t -> int -> t

after str pos returns the sub-string after pos in str

val unsafe_sub_equal : t -> int -> t -> int -> bool
val starts_with : prefix:t -> t -> bool

starts_with ~prefix str returns true if str starts with prefix.

val ends_with : suffix:t -> t -> bool

ends_with ~suffix str returns true if str ends with suffix.

val unsafe_append : t -> t -> t

unsafe_append str1 str2 returns the concatenation of str1 and str2 without sequence validation.

val append : t -> t -> t

append str1 str2 returns the concatenation of str1 and str2.

module Buf : sig ... end

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