package eliom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

DOM-like manipulation functions.

In this module, all the functions apply only to HTML5 element with <<a_manual chapter="clientserver-html" fragment="unique"|Dom semantics>> .

val appendChild : ?before:'a elt -> 'b elt -> 'c elt -> unit

appendChild e1 e2 inserts the element e2 as last child of e1. If the optional parameter ~before:e3 is present and if e3 is a child of e1, then e2 is inserted before e3 in the list of e1 children.

val appendToBody : ?before:'a elt -> 'c elt -> unit

Append to the body of the document.

val appendChildren : ?before:'a elt -> 'b elt -> 'c elt list -> unit

appendChildren e1 elts inserts elts as last children of e1. If the optional parameter ~before:e3 is present and if e3 is a child of e1, then elts are inserted before e3 in the list of e1 children.

val insertFirstChild : 'b elt -> 'c elt -> unit

insertFirstChild p c inserts c as first child of p

val nth : 'a elt -> int -> 'b elt option

nth e n returns the nth child of e (first is 0)

val childLength : 'a elt -> int

childLength e returns the number of children of e

val removeChild : 'a elt -> 'b elt -> unit

The function removeChild e1 e2 removes for e2 from the list of e1 children.

val replaceChild : 'a elt -> 'b elt -> 'c elt -> unit

The function replace e1 e2 e3 replaces for e2 by e3 in the list of e1 children.

val removeChildren : 'a elt -> unit

The function removeChildren e1 removes e1 children.

val removeSelf : 'a elt -> unit

removeSelf e removes element e from the DOM.

val replaceChildren : 'a elt -> 'b elt list -> unit

The function replaceChildren e1 elts replaces all the children of e1 by elt.

val parentNode : 'a elt -> 'b elt option

parentNode elt returns the parent of elt, if any.

val nextSibling : 'a elt -> 'b elt option

nextSibling elt returns the next element that has the same parent, if elt is not the last.

val previousSibling : 'a elt -> 'b elt option

previousSibling elt returns the previous element that has the same parent, if elt is not the first.

val insertBefore : before:'a elt -> 'b elt -> unit

insertBefore ~before elt insert elt before before.

val insertAfter : after:'a elt -> 'b elt -> unit

insertAfter ~after elt insert elt after after.

val replaceSelf : 'a elt -> 'b elt -> unit

replaceSelf elt1 elt2 replaces elt1 by elt2.

val children : 'a elt -> 'b elt list

children elt returns the list of html children of elt.

The function addEventListener elt evt handler attach the handler for the event evt on the element elt. See the Js_of_ocaml manual, for a list of <<a_api project="js_of_ocaml" text="available events"| module Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.Event >>.

module Named : sig ... end

Dom manipulation by element identifier.

val scrollIntoView : ?bottom:bool -> 'a elt -> unit

The function scrollIntoView elt scroll the page to a position where elt is displayed at the top of the window. If the optional parameter ~bottom:true is present, the page is scrolled to a position where elt is displayed at the bottom of the window.

module Class : sig ... end
module Elt : sig ... end
module Ev : sig ... end
module Attr : sig ... end
module Css : sig ... end

Read the CSS properties of DOM elements.

module SetCss : sig ... end

Modify the CSS properties of DOM elements.


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