package core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Core is an extension of Core_kernel with Unix APIs. The unmodified libraries can be found there.

In particular, Core has comprehensive implementation of times (Time and Time_ns), where some details are platform-specific.

Some modules are mere extensions of those existing in Core_kernel, like Bigstring, Caml, Time, and Md5, where what's added is handlers for reading from or writing to Unix sockets and file descriptors, or support for floating-point numbers. Other modules are entirely new, like:

  • Command, a richly featured tool for creating command-line programs.
  • Signal, for handling Unix signals like SIGHUP and SIGKILL.

A few modules in Core don't have any platform-specific functionality but haven't yet been ported to Core_kernel for technical reasons (like a dependency on Time, which until recently was only in Core):

  • Interval
module Caml : sig ... end
module Command : sig ... end
module Core_stable : sig ... end
module Date : sig ... end
module Filename : sig ... end

Warning! this library assumes we are in a POSIX compliant OS.

module Interval : sig ... end
module Interval_intf : sig ... end
module Digest = Md5
module Mutex : sig ... end
module Signal : sig ... end

Signal handlers.

module Sys : sig ... end

System interface.

module Thread : sig ... end

Lightweight threads.

module Time : sig ... end
module Time_common : sig ... end

This module type is basically the intersection of the module types of Core.Time and Core.Time_ns. We verify that that relation holds in

module Time_ns : sig ... end
module Unix : sig ... end

This file is a modified version of unixLabels.mli from the OCaml distribution. Many of these functions raise exceptions but do not have a _exn suffixed name.

module Version_util = Version_util
val sec : Base.Float.t -> Time.Span.t
val (^/) : Base.String.t -> Base.String.t -> Base.String.t

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