package mirage-dns

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Resolves queries for *.local and 169.254.x.x using Local (which is intended to be the result of Make above), and resolves any other names using the Next resolver


module Local : S
module Next : S with type stack = Local.stack


type t
type stack = Local.stack
val create : stack -> t
val resolve : (module Dns.Protocol.CLIENT) -> t -> Ipaddr.V4.t -> int -> Dns.Packet.q_class -> Dns.Packet.q_type -> Dns.Name.t -> Dns.Packet.t Lwt.t
val gethostbyname : t -> ?server:Ipaddr.V4.t -> ?dns_port:int -> ?q_class:Dns.Packet.q_class -> ?q_type:Dns.Packet.q_type -> string -> Ipaddr.t list Lwt.t
val gethostbyaddr : t -> ?server:Ipaddr.V4.t -> ?dns_port:int -> ?q_class:Dns.Packet.q_class -> ?q_type:Dns.Packet.q_type -> Ipaddr.V4.t -> string list Lwt.t

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