package cmdliner

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Command line interface

For tools evaluating a command without sub commands the most general form of invocation is:

tool [OPTION]… [ARG]…

The tool automatically reponds to the --help option by printing the help. If a version string is provided in the command information, it also automatically responds to the --version option by printing this string on standard output.

Command line arguments are either optional or positional. Both can be freely interleaved but since Cmdliner accepts many optional forms this may result in ambiguities. The special token -- can be used to resolve them; anything that follows it is treated as a positional argument.

Tools evaluating commands with sub commands have this form of invocation

tool [COMMAND]… [OPTION]… [ARG]…

Commands automatically respond to the --help option by printing their help. The sequence of COMMAND strings must be the first strings following the tool name – as soon as an optional argument is seen the search for a sub command stops. Command names may be specified by a prefixe as long as they are not ambiguous.

Optional arguments

An optional argument is specified on the command line by a name possibly followed by a value.

The name of an option can be short or long.

  • A short name is a dash followed by a single alphanumeric character: -h, -q, -I.
  • A long name is two dashes followed by alphanumeric characters and dashes: --help, --silent, --ignore-case.

More than one name may refer to the same optional argument. For example in a given program the names -q, --quiet and --silent may all stand for the same boolean argument indicating the program to be quiet. Long names can be specified by any non ambiguous prefix.

The value of an option can be specified in three different ways.

  • As the next token on the command line: -o a.out, --output a.out.
  • Glued to a short name: -oa.out.
  • Glued to a long name after an equal character: --output=a.out.

Glued forms are especially useful if the value itself starts with a dash as is the case for negative numbers, --min=-10.

An optional argument without a value is either a flag (see Cmdliner.Arg.flag, Cmdliner.Arg.vflag) or an optional argument with an optional value (see the ~vopt argument of Cmdliner.Arg.opt).

Short flags can be grouped together to share a single dash and the group can end with a short option. For example assuming -v and -x are flags and -f is a short option:

  • -vx will be parsed as -v -x.
  • -vxfopt will be parsed as -v -x -fopt.
  • -vxf opt will be parsed as -v -x -fopt.
  • -fvx will be parsed as -f=vx.

Positional arguments

Positional arguments are tokens on the command line that are not option names and are not the value of an optional argument. They are numbered from left to right starting with zero.

Since positional arguments may be mistaken as the optional value of an optional argument or they may need to look like option names, anything that follows the special token "--" on the command line is considered to be a positional argument:

tool --option -- we -are --all positional --argu=ments

Environment variables

Non-required command line arguments can be backed up by an environment variable. If the argument is absent from the command line and that the environment variable is defined, its value is parsed using the argument converter and defines the value of the argument.

For Cmdliner.Arg.flag and Cmdliner.Arg.flag_all that do not have an argument converter a boolean is parsed from the lowercased variable value as follows:

  • "", "false", "no", "n" or "0" is false.
  • "true", "yes", "y" or "1" is true.
  • Any other string is an error.

Note that environment variables are not supported for Cmdliner.Arg.vflag and Cmdliner.Arg.vflag_all.

Reserved option names

Using the cmdliner library puts the following constraints o

  • The option name --cmdliner is reserved by the library.
  • The option name --help, (and --version if you specify a version string) is reserved by the library. Using it as a term or option name may result in undefined behaviour.
  • Defining the same option or command name via two different arguments or terms is illegal and raises Invalid_argument.

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