package atdgen

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val name_of_var : string -> string
val make_ocaml_biniou_intf : with_create:bool -> Stdlib.Buffer.t -> ((Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, 'a) Ag_mapping.mapping -> (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, 'b) Ag_mapping.mapping) -> ('c * (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, 'a) Ag_mapping.def list) list -> unit
val get_biniou_tag : Ag_ob_mapping.ob_mapping -> string
val nth : string -> int -> int -> string
val get_fields : (([> `Field of Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_field ] as 'a, [> `Field of Ag_biniou.biniou_field ] as 'b) Ag_mapping.mapping -> [> `Bool of 'c * [> `Bool ] * 'd | `Float of 'e * [> `Float ] * 'f | `Int of 'g * [> `Int of [< `Char | `Float | `Int | `Int32 | `Int64 ] ] * 'h | `List of 'i * 'j * [> `List of [> `Array | `List ] ] * 'k | `Nullable of 'l * 'm * [> `Nullable ] * 'n | `Option of 'o * 'p * [> `Option ] * 'q | `String of 'r * [> `String ] * 's | `Unit of 't * [> `Unit ] * 'u ]) -> ('v, 'w) Ag_mapping.field_mapping array -> (('v, 'w) Ag_mapping.field_mapping * string * string option * bool * bool) list
val unopt : 'a option -> 'a
val get_writer_name : ?paren:bool -> ?name_f:(string -> string) -> tagged:bool -> Ag_ob_mapping.ob_mapping -> string
val get_left_writer_name : tagged:bool -> string -> string list -> string
val get_left_to_string_name : string -> string list -> string
val get_reader_name : ?paren:bool -> ?name_f:(string -> string) -> tagged:bool -> Ag_ob_mapping.ob_mapping -> string
val get_left_reader_name : tagged:bool -> string -> string list -> string
val get_left_of_string_name : string -> string list -> string
val study_record : ocaml_version:(int * int) option -> 'a -> (('b, 'c) Ag_mapping.field_mapping * string * string option * bool * 'd) list -> [> `Line of string ] list * [> `Line of string ] list * (int -> [> `Line of string ] list) * [> `Line of string ] list * [> `Block of [> `Line of string ] list | `Line of string ] list
val wrap_body : tagged:bool -> int -> 'a -> [> `Annot of string * [> `Line of string ] | `Block of [> `Block of [> `Block of 'a | `Line of string ] list | `Inline of 'a | `Line of string ] list ] list
val wrap_bodies : tagged:bool -> (int * 'a) list -> [> `Block of [> `Block of [> `Inline of [> `Inline of [> `Block of 'a | `Line of string ] list ] list | `Line of string ] list | `Inline of [> `Inline of [> `Block of [> `Block of 'a | `Line of string ] list | `Line of string ] list ] list | `Line of string ] list | `Line of string ] list
val make_reader : ((Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.mapping -> (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.mapping) -> tagged:bool -> ocaml_version:(int * int) option -> ?type_annot:string -> Ag_ob_mapping.ob_mapping -> Ag_indent.t list
val make_ocaml_biniou_writer : original_types:(string, string * int) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t -> ((Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.mapping -> (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.mapping) -> bool -> string -> string -> (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.def -> [> `Block of Atd_indent.t list | `Line of string ] list
val make_ocaml_biniou_reader : original_types:(string, string * int) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t -> ocaml_version:(int * int) option -> ((Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.mapping -> (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.mapping) -> bool -> string -> string -> (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.def -> [> `Block of Atd_indent.t list | `Line of string ] list
val map : (bool -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val get_let : is_rec:bool -> is_first:bool -> string * string
val make_ocaml_biniou_impl : with_create:bool -> original_types:(string, string * int) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t -> ocaml_version:(int * int) option -> Stdlib.Buffer.t -> ((Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.mapping -> (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.mapping) -> (bool * (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.def list) list -> unit
val translate_mapping : (bool * Atd_ast.module_body) list -> (bool * (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.def list) list
val write_opens : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> string list -> unit
val make_mli : header:string -> opens:string list -> with_typedefs:bool -> with_create:bool -> with_fundefs:bool -> string -> ((Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, 'a) Ag_mapping.mapping -> (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, 'b) Ag_mapping.mapping) -> ('c * (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, 'a) Ag_mapping.def list) list -> string
val make_ml : header:string -> opens:string list -> with_typedefs:bool -> with_create:bool -> with_fundefs:bool -> original_types:(string, string * int) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t -> ocaml_version:(int * int) option -> string -> ((Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.mapping -> (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.mapping) -> (bool * (Ag_ocaml.atd_ocaml_repr, Ag_biniou.biniou_repr) Ag_mapping.def list) list -> string
val make_ocaml_files : opens:string list -> with_typedefs:bool -> with_create:bool -> with_fundefs:bool -> all_rec:bool -> pos_fname:string option -> pos_lnum:int option -> type_aliases:string option -> force_defaults:'a -> name_overlap:bool -> ocaml_version:(int * int) option -> pp_convs:[ `Camlp4 of string list | `Ppx of string list ] -> string option -> [< `Files of string | `Stdout ] -> unit

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