package tezos-base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

TzTrace: trace module specific to the Tezos Error monad. The trace type of this module is meant to become abstract in the medium-term (see

The trace type (included as part of the Tezos_lwt_result_stdlib.Lwtreslib.TRACE module is abstract in this interface but it is made concrete in the instantiated error monad (see error_monad.mli).

The idea of abstracting the trace is so that it can evolve more easily. Eventually, we can make the trace abstract in the instantiated error monad, we can have different notions of traces for the protocol and the shell, etc.

include Tezos_lwt_result_stdlib.Lwtreslib.TRACE with type 'error trace = 'error list
type 'error trace = 'error list
val make : 'error -> 'error trace
val cons : 'error -> 'error trace -> 'error trace
val cons_list : 'error -> 'error list -> 'error trace
val conp : 'error trace -> 'error trace -> 'error trace
val conp_list : 'err trace -> 'err trace list -> 'err trace
val pp_print : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'err -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'err trace -> unit

pp_print pretty-prints a trace of errors

val pp_print_top : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'err -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'err trace -> unit

pp_print_top pretty-prints the top errors of the trace

val encoding : 'error Data_encoding.t -> 'error trace Data_encoding.t
val fold : ('a -> 'error -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'error trace -> 'a

fold f init trace traverses the trace (in an unspecified manner) so that init is folded over each of the error within trace by f. Typical use is to find the worst error, to check for the presence of a given error, etc.


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