package incr_dom_widgets

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type css_global_values = [
  1. | `Inherit
  2. | `Initial
val css_global_values_of_sexp : Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t -> css_global_values
val __css_global_values_of_sexp__ : Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t -> css_global_values
val sexp_of_css_global_values : css_global_values -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val compare_css_global_values : css_global_values -> css_global_values -> int
module Color : sig ... end
module Length : sig ... end
module Auto_or_length : sig ... end
type t
val t_of_sexp : Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val create : field:string -> value:string -> t
val empty : t
val combine : t -> t -> t

Neither combine nor concat validate that each t is unique. For combine x y, y will override x if they are the same attribute. For concat l, the greatest index of an attribute will prevail.

val (@>) : t -> t -> t
val concat : t list -> t
val to_attr : t -> Incr_dom.Vdom.Attr.t
val to_string_css : t -> string
val box_sizing : [ `Content_box | `Border_box | css_global_values ] -> t
val display : [ `Inline | `Block | `Inline_block | `List_item | `Table | `Inline_table | `None | css_global_values ] -> t
val visibility : [ `Visible | `Hidden | `Collapse | css_global_values ] -> t
val overflow : [ `Visible | `Hidden | `Scroll | `Auto | css_global_values ] -> t
val z_index : int -> t
val opacity : int -> t
type font_style = [
  1. | `Normal
  2. | `Italic
  3. | `Oblique
  4. | css_global_values
type font_weight = [
  1. | `Normal
  2. | `Bold
  3. | `Bolder
  4. | `Lighter
  5. | `Number of int
  6. | css_global_values
type font_variant = [
  1. | `Normal
  2. | `Small_caps
  3. | css_global_values
val font_size : Length.t -> t
val font_family : string list -> t
val font_style : font_style -> t
val font_weight : font_weight -> t
val font_variant : font_variant -> t
val font : size:Length.t -> family:string list -> ?style:font_style -> ?weight:font_weight -> ?variant:font_variant -> unit -> t
val bold : t
val color : Color.t -> t
val background_color : Color.t -> t
val text_align : [ `Left | `Right | `Center | `Justify | css_global_values ] -> t
val horizontal_align : [ `Left | `Right | `Center | css_global_values ] -> t
val vertical_align : [ `Top | `Bottom | `Middle | css_global_values ] -> t
val width : Length.t -> t
val min_width : Length.t -> t
val max_width : Length.t -> t
val height : Length.t -> t
val min_height : Length.t -> t
val max_height : Length.t -> t
val padding_top : Length.t -> t
val padding_bottom : Length.t -> t
val padding_left : Length.t -> t
val padding_right : Length.t -> t
val padding : ?top:Length.t -> ?bottom:Length.t -> ?left:Length.t -> ?right:Length.t -> unit -> t
val margin_top : Auto_or_length.t -> t
val margin_bottom : Auto_or_length.t -> t
val margin_left : Auto_or_length.t -> t
val margin_right : Auto_or_length.t -> t
val margin : ?top:Auto_or_length.t -> ?bottom:Auto_or_length.t -> ?left:Auto_or_length.t -> ?right:Auto_or_length.t -> unit -> t
type border_style = [
  1. | `None
  2. | `Hidden
  3. | `Dotted
  4. | `Dashed
  5. | `Solid
  6. | `Double
  7. | `Groove
  8. | `Ridge
  9. | `Inset
  10. | `Outset
  11. | css_global_values
val border_top : ?width:Length.t -> ?color:Color.t -> style:border_style -> unit -> t
val border_bottom : ?width:Length.t -> ?color:Color.t -> style:border_style -> unit -> t
val border_left : ?width:Length.t -> ?color:Color.t -> style:border_style -> unit -> t
val border_right : ?width:Length.t -> ?color:Color.t -> style:border_style -> unit -> t
val border : ?width:Length.t -> ?color:Color.t -> style:border_style -> unit -> t
val border_collapse : [ `Separate | `Collapse | css_global_values ] -> t
val border_spacing : Length.t -> t
val flex_container : ?inline:bool -> ?direction:[ `Row | `Row_reverse | `Column | `Column_reverse ] -> ?wrap:[ `Nowrap | `Wrap | `Wrap_reverse ] -> unit -> t
val flex_item : ?order:int -> ?basis:Auto_or_length.t -> ?shrink:float -> grow:float -> unit -> t
val animation : name:string -> duration:Core_kernel.Time_ns.Span.t -> ?delay:Core_kernel.Time_ns.Span.t -> ?direction: [ `Normal | `Reverse | `Alternate | `Alternate_reverse | css_global_values ] -> ?fill_mode:[ `None | `Forwards | `Backwards | `Both | css_global_values ] -> ?iter_count:int -> ?timing_function:string -> unit -> t

Note: You must include the names @keyframes in the stylesheet


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