package incr_dom_widgets

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Id : sig ... end
module Mode : sig ... end
module Kind : sig ... end
type ('row, 'a) t
module Packed : sig ... end
val pack : ('row, _) t -> 'row Packed.t
val create : 'a Kind.t -> read:('row -> 'a) -> ?write:('row -> 'a -> 'row) -> ?style:('a -> Css.t) -> unit -> ('row, 'a) t
val read : ('row, 'a) t -> 'row -> 'a
val view : 'row Packed.t -> 'row -> Id.t -> Mode.t -> html_id:string -> remember_edit:(Id.t -> string -> Incr_dom.Vdom.Event.t) -> Incr_dom.Vdom.Node.t
val apply_edit : 'row Packed.t -> 'row -> string -> 'row Core_kernel.Or_error.t
val is_editable : _ Packed.t -> bool
val status : num_active:('row -> int) -> num_inactive:('row -> int) -> num_not_synchronized:('row -> int) -> num_dead:('row -> int) -> 'row Packed.t list

status a i n d returns a list of ts to display the status of a collection of systems.

module Style : sig ... end

This module provides standard styling for Cell.ts. Values can be passed directly to Cell.create's ?style arg.


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