package jenga

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

A type representing the various errors that can happen in jenga. Compared to simply using Error.t, we have control over the display.

include module type of Reason_type
type t =
  1. | Misc of string
  2. | Shutdown
  3. | Error_in_deps
  4. | File_read_error of Core.Sexp.t
  5. | Digest_error of Core.Sexp.t
  6. | Undigestable of Db.Kind.t
  7. | Glob_error of Db.Glob.t * string
  8. | No_definition_for_alias of Alias.t
  9. | No_source_at_abs_path of Path.Abs.t
  10. | No_rule_or_source of Path.t
  11. | Unexpected_directory of Path.t
  12. | Command_failed of Job_summary.t
  13. | No_directory_for_target of string
  14. | Inconsistent_proxies
  15. | Running_job_raised of Core.Sexp.t
  16. | Multiple_rules_for_path of Path.Rel.t
  17. | Rule_failed_to_generate_targets of Path.Rel.t list
  18. | Usercode_raised of Core.Sexp.t
  19. | Usercode_error of Located_error.t
  20. | Rules_load_failed of [ `Before_loading_rules of Located_error.t | `Located_error_while_loading of Located_error.t | `Error_while_loading of Core.Error.t ]
  21. | Mtimes_changed of Path.t list
  22. | Sandbox_error of [ `at_creation | `at_close ] * Core.Sexp.t
  23. | Unexpected_targets of string list
val to_string_one_line : t -> string
val to_extra_lines : t -> dir:Path.Rel.t -> string list
val messages : need:Goal.t -> t -> unit
val message_summary : Config.t -> need:Goal.t -> t -> unit

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