package jenga

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Rule.t supports the description of build-rules in jenga. Two varieties:

  • alias-rule: Allows a symbolic Alias.t to stand for some dependencies.
  • target-rule: A rule to generate some targets using an Action.t.

An alias-rule is constructed by alias of which default is a useful special case. A target-rule is constructed by create.

Target-rule.t allows the description of dynamic build rules: Although the targets must be static, the dependencies and action may be contingent on further dependencies. This is achieved by constructing a target-rule from a value of type: Action.t Dep.t

Make-style rule-triples are a trivial special case, and can be constructed using the convenience wrapper simple, defined as:

let simple ~targets ~deps ~action = create ~targets ( Dep.all_unit deps *>>| fun () -> action )

module Target_rule : sig ... end
type t =
  1. | Target of Target_rule.t
  2. | Alias of Alias.t * unit Dep.t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val targets : t -> Path.Rel.t list
val alias : Alias.t -> unit Dep.t list -> t
val default : dir:Path.t -> unit Dep.t list -> t
val create : targets:Path.t list -> Action.t Dep.t -> t
val simple : targets:Path.t list -> deps:unit Dep.t list -> action:Action.t -> t

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