package annexlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type size = [
  1. | `Bytes of int
  2. | `Kilobytes of int
  3. | `Megabytes of int
type size_test = [
  1. | `EqualTo of size
  2. | `LargerThan of size
  3. | `SmallerThan of size
type time_test = [
  1. | `After of int32
  2. | `At of int32
  3. | `Before of int32
type test = [
  1. | `Accessed of time_test
  2. | `And of test list
  3. | `Created of time_test
  4. | `Eval of string -> Unix.stats -> bool
  5. | `False
  6. | `Group of int
  7. | `IName of string
  8. | `Modified of time_test
  9. | `Name of string
  10. | `Or of test list
  11. | `Owner of int
  12. | `Perms of Unix.file_perm
  13. | `Regexp of string
  14. | `Size of size_test
  15. | `True
  16. | `Type of Unix.file_kind
type t
val make : test -> t
val find : t -> string -> string list