package anthill

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Types end
type group = Group.t
type tile = Types.tile =
  1. | Letter of int
  2. | Group of group
  3. | Dot
  4. | Star
type tiles = tile list
type input_group = Types.input_group =
  1. | Fit of char list
type input_tile = Types.input_tile =
  1. | Final of tile
  2. | Expand of input_group
type args = string list
val char_of_tile : tile -> char
val tile_of_char : char -> tile
exception Unsupported_feature
type fn = Types.fn =
  1. | Anagram
  2. | Build
  3. | Pattern
  4. | Multi
  5. | Length
  6. | Above
  7. | Below
  8. | One_off
  9. | Fn of string
type bop = Types.bop =
  1. | Union
  2. | Inter
  3. | Diff
  4. | Op of string
type expr = Types.expr =
  1. | Words of Wordset.t
  2. | Var of string
  3. | Fun of fn * args
  4. | Bop of bop * expr * expr
type line = Types.line =
  1. | Tiles of string
  2. | Expr of expr
  3. | Assign of string * expr
  4. | Command of fn
module Make (Env : Environment.ENV) (E : Engine.ENGINE with type dict = Env.dict) : sig ... end

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