package b0

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Cache statistics.

Key statistics

type keys

The type for statistics about a set of keys

val keys_count : keys -> int

keys_count s is the number of keys in the set of keys.

val keys_file_count : keys -> int

keys_file_count s is the nubmer of files in the set of keys.

val keys_byte_size : keys -> int

keys_count s is the total byte size of the files in the set of keys.

val keys_zero : keys

keys_zero are zeros.

val keys_sub : keys -> keys -> keys

keys_sub s0 s1 is he field-wise substraction s0 - s1.

val pp_keys : keys B0_std.Fmt.t

pp_keys formats key statistics.

val of_keys : t -> key list -> (keys, string) result

of_keys ks are statistics for ks.

Cache statistics

type cache

The type for cache statistics

val all_keys : cache -> keys

all_keys s are statistics about all keys in the cache.

val unused_keys : cache -> keys

unused_keys s are statistics about unused keys in the cache. Warning Only relevant if is_unused is.

pp formats cache statistics.

val of_cache : t -> (cache, string) result

of_cache c are satistics of c.