package camomile

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Camomile's toplevel interface

module ConfigInt : sig ... end

Type of configuration parametor

Default configuration.

Individual modules

module OOChannel : sig ... end

Object Oriented Channel

module UChar : sig ... end

Unicode (ISO-UCS) characters.

module USet : sig ... end

Sets of Unicode characters, implemented as sets of intervals. The signature is mostly same to Set.S in stdlib

module UMap : sig ... end
module UCharTbl : sig ... end

Fast lookup tables for Unicode. Accessible by constant time.

module UnicodeString : sig ... end

Signature for Unicode strings. UText, XString, UTF8, UTF16, UCS4 have matched signatures to UStorage and satisfy the semantics described below. If users want to supply their own Unicode strings, please design the module with the following signature and properties.

module UText : sig ... end

An implementation of Unicode string.

module XString : sig ... end

eXtensible Unicode string. The semantics matches the description of UStorage. The detail may be going to change.

module SubText : sig ... end
module ULine : sig ... end

Line IO

module Locale : sig ... end

Camomile has a locale system similar to Java. A locale is a string with a form as "<LANG>_<COUNTRY>_<MODIFIER>..." where <LANG> is a 2-letter ISO 639 language code, <COUNTRY> is a 2-letter ISO 3166 country code. Some field may not present.

module UTF8 : sig ... end

UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings. The type is normal string.

module UTF16 : sig ... end
module UCS4 : sig ... end

UCS4 encoded string. The type is the bigarray of 32-bit integers. Bigarray.cma or Bigarray.cmxa must be linked when this module is used.

module UPervasives : sig ... end

Functions for toplevel

module URe : sig ... end

Regular expression engine.

module CharEncoding : sig ... end
module UCharInfo : sig ... end

Unicode character informations

module UNF : sig ... end

Unicode normal form (NFD, NFKD, NFC, NFKC) as described in UTR #15

module UCol : sig ... end

Unicode collation algorithm

module CaseMap : sig ... end

Case mappings as defined in Unicode Technical Report #21

module UReStr : sig ... end

Module for a Str-like regular expression syntax. The difference can be summarised as follows.

module StringPrep : sig ... end
module type Type = sig ... end
module Make (Config : ConfigInt.Type) : Type with module OOChannel = OOChannel and module UChar = UChar and module USet = USet and module UMap = UMap and module UCharTbl = UCharTbl and module UnicodeString = UnicodeString and module UText = UText and module XString = XString and module SubText = SubText and module ULine = ULine and module Locale = Locale and module CharEncoding = CharEncoding.Configure(Config) and module UTF8 = UTF8 and module UTF16 = UTF16 and module UCS4 = UCS4 and module UPervasives = UPervasives and module URe = URe and module UCharInfo = UCharInfo.Make(Config) and module UNF.Make = UNF.Make(Config) and module UCol.Make = UCol.Make(Config) and module CaseMap.Make = CaseMap.Make(Config) and module UReStr = UReStr.Configure(Config) and module StringPrep.Make = StringPrep.Make(Config)

All-in-one, configure once modules