package core_extended

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Experts only. If you really think you need a function in this module, please talk to a delimited dev first.

module Append_only_buffer : sig ... end
module Parse_state : sig ... end
val create_parse_state : ?strip:bool -> ?sep:char -> ?quote:[ `No_quoting | `Using of char ] -> ?on_invalid_row:'a On_invalid_row.t -> header_map:int Core_kernel.String.Map.t -> 'a t -> init:'b -> f:('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b Parse_state.t
module Builder : sig ... end
module Parse_header : sig ... end
val create_partial : ?strip:bool -> ?sep:char -> ?quote:[ `No_quoting | `Using of char ] -> ?header: [ `No | `Yes | `Require of string list | `Replace of string list | `Add of string list | `Transform of string list -> string list | `Filter_map of string list -> string option list ] -> unit -> ([ `Data of string | `Eof ] -> Delimited_kernel__.Row.t list) Core_kernel.Staged.t

This creates a function that can be fed partial input to return partial parses. Please do not use this in new code.