package current-web-pipelines

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type ('current, 'state) t

A pipeline with current 'current and metadata 'state. the current can be blocking, but the state shouldn't.

type 'state simple = (unit, 'state) t
val current : ('current, _) t -> 'current Current.t


val state : (_, 'state) t -> 'state Current.t


val v : current:'current Current.t -> state:'state Current.t -> ('current, 'state) t


val list_iter : collapse_key:string -> (module Current_term.S.ORDERED with type t = 'a) -> ('a Current.t -> (unit, 'state) t) -> 'a list Current.t -> (unit, 'state list) t
val all : (unit, 'state) t list -> (unit, 'state list) t
val list_seq : ('current, 'state) t list -> ('current list, 'state list) t
val map_state : ('state -> 'next_state) -> ('current, 'state) t -> ('current, 'next_state) t
val map_current : ('current -> 'next_current) -> ('current, 'state) t -> ('next_current, 'state) t
val apply_current : ('current Current.t -> 'next_current Current.t) -> ('current, 'state) t -> ('next_current, 'state) t

Specialized constructors

val single : 'metadata -> 'output Current.t -> ('output, ('output, 'metadata) State.job_tree) t
val single_c : 'metadata Current.t -> 'output Current.t -> ('output, ('output, 'metadata) State.job_tree) t

Innovation. Community. Security.