package d3

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

js_of_ocaml bindings for the D3.js library.

type ('a, 'b) t

The type of a D3 operation that assumes that its parent has data of type 'a bound to it, and which itself can act as a context with data of type 'b bound to it.

type ('a, 'b) fn = Dom.node Js.t -> 'a -> int -> 'b

A type alias for the sorts of functions that can be used to construct attr, classed, style, and property, selections below.

val select : string -> ('a, 'a) t

select selector selects the first descendant element that matches the specified selector string, for each element in the selection. If the current element has associated data, this data is inherited by the returned subselection, and automatically bound to the newly selected elements. If multiple elements match the selector, only the first matching element in document traversal order will be selected.

D3.js docs

val selectAll : string -> ('a, 'a) t

selectAll selector selects descendant elements that match the specified selector string, for each element in the selection. The subselection does not inherit data from the current selection; however, if the data value is specified as a function, this function will be called with the data d of the ancestor node and the group index i to determine the data bindings for the subselection.

D3.js docs

val attr : string -> ('a, string) fn -> ('a, 'a) t

attr name f sets the name attribute to the specified value on all selected elements. The value is determined by calling f for each element, passing it the current DOM element, the datum attached to the DOM element, and the element's index in the selection.

D3.js docs

val classed : string -> ('a, bool) fn -> ('a, 'a) t

classed class f sets whether or not class is associated with the selected elements. This is determined by calling f for each element, passing it the current DOM element, the datum attached to the DOM element, and the element's index in the selection.

This operator is a convenience routine for setting the "class" attribute; it understands that the "class" attribute is a set of tokens separated by spaces. If you want to set several classes at once use a space-separated list of class names as the first argument.

D3.js docs

val style : string -> ('a, string) fn -> ('a, 'a) t

style name f sets the name CSS style property to the specified value on all selected elements. The value is determined by calling f for each element, passing it the current DOM element, the datum attached to the DOM element, and the element's index in the selection.

D3.js docs

val property : string -> ('a, 'b Js.t) fn -> ('a, 'a) t

property name f sets the name property to the specified value on all selected elements. The value is determined by calling f for each element, passing it the current DOM element, the datum attached to the DOM element, and the element's index in the selection.

D3.js docs

val text : ('a, string) fn -> ('a, 'a) t

text f sets the text content to the specified value on all selected elements. The value is determined by calling f for each element, passing it the current DOM element, the datum attached to the DOM element, and the element's index in the selection.

The text operator is based on the textContent property; setting the text content will replace any existing child elements.

D3.js docs

val html : ('a, string) fn -> ('a, 'a) t

html f sets the inner HTML content to the specified value on all selected elements. The value is determined by calling f for each element, passing it the current DOM element, the datum attached to the DOM element, and the element's index in the selection.

The html operator is based on the innerHTML property; setting the inner HTML content will replace any existing child elements. Also, you may prefer to use the append operator to create HTML content in a data-driven way; this operator is intended for when you want a little bit of HTML, say for rich formatting.

D3.js docs

val append : string -> ('a, 'a) t

append name appends a new name element as the last child of each element in the current selection, returning a new selection containing the appended elements. Each new element inherits the data of the current elements in the same manner as select.

D3.js docs

val insert : before:string -> string -> ('a, 'a) t

insert ~before name inserts a new name element before the element matching the before selector, returning a new selection containing the inserted elements. If before does not match any elements, then the new element will be the last child as with append. Each new element inherits the data of the current elements (if any), in the same manner as select.

D3.js docs

val remove : ('a, 'a) t

remove removes the elements in the current selection from the current document. Returns the current selection (the same elements that were removed) which are now "off-screen", detached from the DOM.

D3.js docs

val static : string -> ('a, 'a) t

static name appends a new name element as the last child of each element in the current selection, if name child element does not already exist. If an name element already does exist, then it will return a selection containing just that element.

Note that you can use multiple static operators to create elements with the same name.

nest (select "body")
[ static "div"
  |. text (fun _ _ _ -> "first div")
; static "div"
  |. text (fun _ _ _ -> "second div") ] 

This is not part of the D3.js API.

Data Binding

val data : ('a -> int -> 'b list) -> ('a, 'b) t
val datum : ('a -> int -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) t
val enter : ('a, 'a) t

enter returns the enter selection: placeholder nodes for each data element for which no corresponding existing DOM element was found in the current selection. This operation can only be composed below an update selection, which is produced by the data operator.

D3.js docs

val update : ('a, 'a) t

update is a NOOP operation. It leaves the parent selection unchanged and has no side-effects.

This is not part of the D3.js API.

val exit : ('a, 'a) t

exit returns the exit selection: existing DOM elements in the current selection for which no new data element was found. This operation can only be composed below an update selection, which is produced by the data operator.

D3.js docs

Selection manipulation

val filter : ('a, bool) fn -> ('a, 'a) t

filter f returns a new selection that contains only the elements for which f evaluates to true.

D3.js docs

val sort : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> ('a, 'a) t

sort f sorts the elements in the current selection according to the comparator function, and then re-inserts the document elements to match.

D3.js docs

val each : ('a, unit) fn -> ('a, 'a) t

each f invokes f for each element in the current selection.

D3.js docs

Composition operators

val (|.) : ('a, 'b) t -> ('b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
val (<.>) : ('a, 'b) t -> ('b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t

x |. y is the equivalent of method chaining operators x and y in JavaScript. <.> is an alias for |..

val (|-) : ('a, 'b) t -> ('b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b) t
val chain : ('a, 'a) t list -> ('a, 'a) t
val seq : ('a, 'a) t list -> ('a, 'a) t
val nest : ('a, 'b) t -> ('b, 'b) t list -> ('a, 'b) t

nest x ys is equivalent to x |- seq ys.


val str : (string -> ('a, string) fn -> ('a, 'a) t) -> string -> string -> ('a, 'a) t
val int : (string -> ('a, string) fn -> ('a, 'a) t) -> string -> int -> ('a, 'a) t
val flt : (string -> ('a, string) fn -> ('a, 'a) t) -> string -> float -> ('a, 'a) t

str attr x y will set the x attribute to the constant string value y. The int and flt functions do the same thing except with constant values of different types. These convenience functions should be used with the attr, and style functions when dealing with constant values. That way you can write code like this:

selectAll "rect"
|. int attr  "height" height
|. int attr  "width"  height
|. str style "fill"   "blue"

rather than this:

selectAll "rect"
|. attr  "height" (fun _ _ _ -> string_of_int height)
|. attr  "width"  (fun _ _ _ -> string_of_int width)
|. style "fill"   (fun _ _ _ -> "blue")
module E : sig ... end

Event handlers

val run : ?node:Dom.node Js.t -> ('a, _) t -> 'a -> unit

run ?node op datum binds datum to node and runs op on that element. If node is not provided, then the current document node will be used instead.

This is the only way to run a D3.t operation. It can be used in a variety of contexts, however its indended use is in an event loop of an application, along these lines:

let main () =
  let model = ref Model.init in "body" !model view;
  Stream.iter events (fun e ->
    model := handle e model; "body" !model view)

main ()

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