package datakit-ci

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val pools : unit -> t Astring.String.Map.t
val create : string -> int -> t
val use : t -> ?log:CI_live_log.t -> ?label:string -> CI_s.job_id -> (unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t

use t job fn evaluates fn () with one pool resource held. job (and label) will be displayed as the reason why the resource is in use. If log is provided then a message will be logged if we have to wait, and if the log is cancellable then the user will be able to cancel the operation.

val active : t -> int
val capacity : t -> int
val qlen : t -> int
val users : t -> ((CI_s.job_id * string option) * CI_live_log.t option) list

users t is the list of reasons why resources are being used, one per resource, and (optionally) its log (through which it may be possible to cancel the job).