package decompress

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 't configuration

Type of the Operating-System configuration.

val configuration : ?ascii:bool -> ?hcrc:bool -> os -> ('t -> int32) -> 't configuration

configuration ?ascii ?hcrc os mtime makes an Operating-System configuration to be able to compress any inputs.

val compress : ?level:int -> ?filename:string -> ?comment:string -> w:De.Lz77.window -> q:De.Queue.t -> refill:(bigstring -> int) -> flush:(bigstring -> int -> unit) -> 't -> 't configuration -> bigstring -> bigstring -> unit

compress ?level ?filename ?comment ~w ~q ~refill ~flush time cfg i o compresses an input given by refill and outputs it via flush. It requires:

  • a queue q which is shared between the compression algorithm and the encoder. The length of it can be a bottleneck on the throughput
  • a window to be able to lookup repeated patterns
  • a witness required by the given cfg
  • a configuration value
  • i is the input buffer
  • o is the output buffer

When compress wants more input, it calls refill with i. The client returns how many bytes he wrotes into i. If he returns 0, he signals end of input.

When compress has written output buffer, it calls flush with o and how many bytes it wrote. Bytes into o must be copied and they will be lost at the next call to flush.

A simple example of how to use such interface (with unix) is:

let time () = Int32.of_float (Unix.gettimeofday ())

let deflate_string ?(level= 4) str =
  let i = De.bigstring_create De.io_buffer_size in
  let o = De.bigstring_create De.io_buffer_size in
  let w = De.Lz77.make_window ~bits:15 in
  let q = De.Queue.create 0x1000 in
  let r = Buffer.create 0x1000 in
  let p = ref 0 in
  let cfg = Gz.Higher.configuration Gz.Unix time in
  let refill buf =
    let len = min (String.length str - !p) De.io_buffer_size in
    Bigstringaf.blit_from_string str ~src_off:!p buf ~dst_off:0 ~len ;
    p := !p + len ; len in
  let flush buf len =
    let str = Bigstringaf.substring buf ~off:0 ~len in
    Buffer.add_string r str in
  Gz.Higher.compress ~w ~q ~level ~refill ~flush () cfg i o ; Buffer.contents r

As De.Higher.compress or Zl.Higher.compress, decompress don't want to take the responsability of such function. It's why this function exists only as an example. Especially since a GZip compression requires an Unix syscall (see Unix.gettimeofday) which does not exists on some contexts such as MirageOS.

The speed and the compression ratio depends on the length of the given window and the given De.Queue.t. They can be a serious bottleneck on the throughput. Due to all of these choices, we show this function as an example - but it should not be copied as is!

type metadata = {
  1. filename : string option;
  2. comment : string option;
  3. os : os;
  4. extra : key:string -> string option;

Type of metadata available into a GZIP flow.

val uncompress : refill:(bigstring -> int) -> flush:(bigstring -> int -> unit) -> bigstring -> bigstring -> (metadata, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result

uncompress ~refill ~flush i o uncompresses an input given by refill and outputs it via flush. It requires:

  • i as the input buffer
  • o as the output buffer

It returns then extracted metadata from the given GZip flow.

When uncompress wants more input, it calls refill with i. The client returns how many bytes he wrote into i. If he returns 0, he signals end of input.

When uncompress has written output buffer, it calls flush with o and how many bytes it wrote. Bytes into o must be copied and tjey will be lost at the next call to flush.

A simple example of how to use such interface is:

let inflate_string str =
  let i = De.bigstring_create De.io_buffer_size in
  let o = De.bigstring_create De.io_buffer_size in
  let r = Buffer.create 0x1000 in
  let p = ref 0 in
  let refill buf =
    let len = min (String.length str - !p) De.io_buffer_size in
    Bigstringaf.blit_from_string str ~src_off:!p buf ~dst_off:0 ~len ;
    p := !p + len ; len in
  let flush buf len =
    let str = Bigstringaf.substring buf ~off:0 ~len in
    Buffer.add_string r str in
  match Gz.Higher.uncompress ~refill ~flush i o with
  | Ok m -> Ok (m, Buffer.contents r)
  | Error _ as err -> err

As De.Higher.uncompress or Zl.Higher.uncompress, decompress does not want to take the responsability of such implementation when several choices was made depending on the context. Indeed, i and o can be a serious bottleneck on the throughput. The choice of Buffer can be replaced by something else such as a queue or a ropes. All of these choices should be made by the client. It's why we provide such function only as an example.


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