package docker-api

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Interface to Docker Remote API <>.

val set_default_addr : Unix.sockaddr -> unit

Set the address the Docker daemon listens to. This will be used by all funtions of this API unless the optioal parameter ~addr is used.

exception Invalid_argument of string

Invalid_argument msg can be raised by any function when an argument is incorrect. msg is the function raising the exception possibly followed by an explanation.

exception Server_error of string

Server_error fn_name indicates that the server encountered an error or that the returned response is incorrect. fn_name is the function raising the error.

exception Error of string * string

Error(fn_name, msg) is raised for connection of protocol errors. fn_name is the function raising the error and msg is a possible explanation for the error. Typically, this exception should not be raised with a well behaving server.

module Stream : sig ... end

A stream returned by some Docker functions.

module Container : sig ... end
module Images : sig ... end
type version = {
  1. api_version : string;
  2. version : string;
  3. git_commit : string;
  4. go_version : string;
val version : ?addr:Unix.sockaddr -> unit -> version